Trump Wave Stands Firm...Fox Is In On The Coup...Calls Race In Coordination With Corrupt Media Cabal

The corrupt media cabal that has been obviously bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party, and their enablers, the Deep State, has called the U.S. 2020 presidential election for Joe Biden, even though there are multiple legal challenges in court and nothing has been officially decided.

The legacy media is collapsing before your eyes. THEY need to be de-platformed. They have no legal standing.

Don't give them clicks, eyeballs, ad revenue.

CDMedia is being de-platformed and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here! 

The Trump campaign, and the American people are standing firm in the face of this evil attempt to defraud the United States.

The best thing patriots can do right now is to be firm in your conviction that President Trump will be inaugurated for a second term on January 20th of next year.

Tell your friends, spread it to your network.

The evidence is coming. There was massive fraud in this election and the Trump base, 60% of the country, is not going to take it.