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The Biden White House proves once again that it cannot shake its addiction to pimp for PHARMA’s covid vaccinations all the while by spending tax-payers’ money even during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season.  Biden stated on 60 Minutes on that the pandemic was over. 

“The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. But the pandemic is over,” President Biden stated almost two months ago. 

On Tuesday, the White House announced Its “six-week campaign to Americans their updated covid-19 vaccines before the end of the year.” 

“The six-week campaign will focus on reaching seniors and the communities that were hardest hit by COVID-19 by making it even more convenient to get vaccinated and increasing awareness through paid media,” stated the press release. 

Although there have been 700,000 sites to receive these shots, HHS is now going to set up “pop-up vaccine clinics and educational booths at major community gatherings – from libraries to sporting events to county fairs, and more.”

How much is this costing Americans? $475 million of taxpayer’s money. 

  • “$350 million for community health centers to expand locally-driven efforts to get more Americans their updated COVID-19 vaccines: HHS, through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), will invest $350 million into community health centers, which they can use for mobile, drive-up, walk-up, or community-based vaccination events, partnerships with community and faith-based organizations for vaccination activities, raising awareness of the updated shot, and more.
  • $125 million for efforts to get more older Americans and people with disabilities vaccinated, including through accessible vaccination clinics, in-home vaccinations, transportation, outreach and education: HHS, through the Administration for Community Living will award $125 million in grants to national organizations that serve people with disabilities and older adults to support community vaccination programs and efforts. Funding will be provided to help local aging and disability networks hold vaccination events at senior and community centers; build up confidence in the vaccine; educate people about the risks of COVID-19 in the weeks ahead and how vaccination will help; provide supportive services, such as accessible transportation and individual assistance to overcome barriers so more Americans can get the vaccine; and connect people to the information they need to protect themselves from COVID-19,” reads their announcement. 

Who is Biden targeting? The elderly seemingly, but not really. 

“The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires nursing homes to educate their residents on the benefits of lifesaving COVID-19 vaccinations and to offer the vaccines to their residents. CMS will issue guidance today reminding health care providers of this requirement. In its guidance, CMS will make clear that nursing homes with low vaccination rates will be referred to state survey agencies for close scrutiny, and that facilities that do not comply with the requirement to offer and educate on the benefit of lifesaving COVID-19 vaccinations will face enforcement actions, including the need to submit corrective action plans to achieve compliance.”

How does the Biden Administration plan to enforce this campaign? American’s money. 

“HHS will also ask governors for their assistance and partnership in increasing COVID vaccination rates for long-term care residents and highlight for them how their states are performing against their peers. And, CMS will provide data to states and health plans about the poorest performing nursing homes to help them encourage action and promote increased vaccination uptake,” states the White House. 

The pop-ups making money off this policy will be scattered around the country.

“Hundreds of pop-up vaccination clinics to make it even easier for people to get their updated COVID-19 vaccines before the end of the year: National and local organizations, state and local health departments, K-12 school districts and higher education institutions, and pharmacies will continue to host pop-up vaccination clinics in urban and rural communities. Americans can also get vaccinated at ongoing events across the country run by schools, colleges, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and state, county, research, and health fairs. And, organizations around the country are answering the call to host more community-based vaccination clinics in New Orleans, LA, Albuquerque, NM, Houston, TX, Jackson, MS, Miami, FL, Justin, TX, San Antonio, TX, Dallas, TX, Atlanta, GA, Berea, OH, and Salisbury, MD, to name a few. Because of these ongoing efforts, Americans have learned more about updated COVID-19 vaccines and gotten vaccinated at a wide-range of events across the country – from sporting events to health fairs to cultural festivities and trade shows.”

The organizations supporting Biden’s campaign include: 

American Academy of Family Physicians, 

American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 

American Academy of Physician Associates, 

American College of Emergency Physicians, 

American College of Physicians, 

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 

American Geriatrics Society, 

American Medical Association, 

American Osteopathic Association, 

Council of Medical Specialty Societies, 

Infectious Diseases Society of America, and 

AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.

Perhaps, Americans should ask all the sites in their communities how much money are they making since these endeavors are being paid with taxpayers’ money. 

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