A case to free (verb) the land (of Ukraine) tracing back to Nazi collaboration in WWII.
A cover-up story of an ancestor of Western Ukrainian political and military immigrants from the woman who froze Canadian bank accounts.

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UPDATE: Chrystia Freeland has resigned her post as Canada's Finance Minister as globalist empire collapses
The Ukrainian nationalist with Nazi roots, who froze the bank accounts of people supporting the truckers in Canada, has resigned her post as Canadian Finance Minister.
Chrystia Freeland resigns as Finance Minister, will leave Trudeau’s cabinet
Originally posted on June 17, 2023
[Kyiv, Ukraine] Let’s start with several questions and and a hypothetical situation in order for you to understand the events described further in this article.
Imagine yourself born and further living in a country where you speak a language that is different from a language other people speak in this country. Then imagine that your parents tell you stories about suppression from other nationalities living in the country. Then imagine your parents taking you out of the country to save your life. Then imagine you grow up and you have a dream to visit the country where your parents lived but had to escape from the atrocities of the war. Think! Done? Well, this should give you some glimpse into the thoughts of people who emigrate to other country because of the war – you might feel that everything you had in your life has been taken by some other people, you thoughts are confusing, the body might not respond to you, people around do not help – you might feel as forsaken by your friends, your god, your country, your companions.
Now let’s proceed to describe a situation that happened to the parents of Chrystia Freeland. We need to look at those events in order to understand what happened during WWII and after. We will write this article describing major events only in order to save your time getting to core information (you’re welcome!).
Contextual facts
Nazi German invades and occupies all territories of Ukraine in 1941. The population of Ukraine is very diverse, not homogenic. The population of Ukraine includes people of what is known in the USA as “Slavic” origin, people of Tartarian origin, khazarian origin, jews of varios origin, and a lot of small ethnos. We do not want to describe the social or ethnical situation of Ukraine – if you want you can find the information in the encyclopedias and works of relevant scientists. We will simplify for you: the Ukrainians on the East are different from the Ukrainians on the West. In order to simplify even more, we will tell you that the origins of Eastern Ukrainians are mixed and Western Ukrainians are also mixed. The next statement may sound confusing to you, but it’s true: the dialects of Western Ukrainians can be very different from the dialects that Eastern Ukrainians or people speak in Central or Southern Ukraine. Sometimes, people from Western Ukraine do not understand the language of people from the East and vice versa, the Eastern or Southern Ukrainians do not understand the language of some Western Ukrainians. In order to add one more fact we have to say Halychina, a region where Lviv, Rivne, Ternopil, Stryi cities are located was not a part of Ukraine. People from Halychina didn’t not consider theirselves as Ukrainians, but yes, they do speak their dialects of Ukrainian language and use some of the traditions spread all over Ukraine. Thus, please, realize the historical events, wars, occupations mixed the population in the West and the East of Ukraine.
Nazi German invades and occupies all territories of Ukraine in 1941. A lot of people in the Western Ukraine didn’t like to live under the Soviet Ukraine. The Soviet Central apparatus had to think about homogenization of the population, but this question could not be solved. There are many reasons why: opposition, oppression, traditions, cultural heritage, etc. Some Western Ukrainians had to retreat with the Soviet Army, some had to stay in their homes, some decided to find their ways to survive under the Nazi occupation.
Story about the Chomiak family before their immigration to Canada
This history is about a family from the Western Ukrainians who decided to survive under the Nazi occupation. The Western Ukrainians organized 2 guerilla armed formations: UPA and OUN. Sometime later OUN split into 2 factions: OUN B (under the leadership of Stepan Bandera) and OUN M (under the leadership of Andrii Melnik). The organization of Ukrainian nationalists in 1940 split into two wings - radical revolutionaries led by Stepan Bandera and conservatives led by Andriy Melnyk. The Melnikovites supported the idea of creating a division, while the Banderaites were categorically against it. OUN M (under the leadership of Melnyk) supported and participated in the formation of SS Halychyna military division.
Professor Volodymyr Kubiyovich was one of the few main leaders of OUN M and a close friend of Mykhailo Khomiak (Chomiak, Khomyak, different spellings of the surname should not confuse you, it’s the same person, please, read further and see the documents from the police). Professor Kubiyovich led the negotiations with the SS Nazi divisions about the creation and formation of the SS Waffen-Halychina division in Ukraine.

Volodymyr Kubiyovich with German officers to stand on the podium for the hour of the parade near Lviv on the 18th day of 1943.
Mykhailo Khomyak was a member of the OUN(m). The OUN(m) took an even more subservient position in serving the Nazis than the OUN(b). Cooperation was carried out through the Ukrainian Central Committee (UCC), which was disguised as a charitable organization to circumvent the Nazi ban on political organizations. The leader of the UCC, Vladimir Kubiyovych, was the publisher of the Krakow News (Krakivski Visti), where Mykhailo Chomiak (Khomyak, Chomiak) was an editor-in-chief. When the 14th Waffen SS Infantry Division, the so-called "Galicia" Division, was formed in early 1943, Kubijović became its first officially enlisted member.
Source: and other sources you can read yourself visiting the links below the article.
You can read in the sources marked here and see for yourself how Mykhailo Chomiak worked as an editor-in-chief in Krakivski Visti (Krakow News) under the guidance of Professor Volodymy Kubiyovich (on the picture with the Nazi on the parade, look at the picture above) and Hans Frank (centre) and Emil Gassner (right) at the opening of the German Press Centre in Cracow, March 1942 (check the picture below). Frank was convicted at Nuremberg for war crimes and executed in October 1946; Gassner testified at the trial on Frank’s behalf.

Here is another historical source about Professor Kubiyovich being a publisher and the Chief of Krakow News (Krakivski Visti).
Here you can see the files from the Polish Police when they tried to find Mykhailo Khomiak.
“The first document (left) is dated April 23, 1966. It confirms that Chomiak was a target of interest and search, and that part of his German war record had been recovered for a Polish review. His last known address was given as an apartment in Cracow. The search notice was signed by the head of Department C; that’s the intelligence branch of the Polish police; C stands for identification and archives. There is no mention of the purpose for which the information on Chomiak was being gathered, or what triggered the police interest in Chomiak in Warsaw in the spring of 1966.”

The newspaper "Krakowskie Vesti" began to be published on January 7, 1940. The former printing house of the Krakow Polish-language Jewish newspaper Nowy dziennik became the printing base of the pro-Nazi publication. And, Mikhailo Khomyak received the property of the editorial office, position and allowance from the hands of the Nazis. It is known that preparations for the publication of Krakow News were carried out long before the publication of the first issue of the newspaper, since 1939, immediately after the formation of the General Government in the Polish lands occupied by the Nazis.
The following text is from the source below:
“Freeland's maternal grandfather, Mikhail Khomyak, was an influential and well-paid Nazi collaborator. For five years, from the beginning of 1940 until the first months of 1945, he edited the only Ukrainian-language newspaper in Nazi-occupied Poland. The Krakowskie Vesti praised Adolf Hitler, glorified the Nazi war of annihilation against the Soviet Union, incited hatred against Jews, and contributed to the formation of the Galicia Division. The newspaper was printed on a printing press confiscated from a Jew who died in a Nazi death camp.”
From Canadian sources (the Khomyak family settled in the province of Alberta) it is known that Michael (Mikhailo decided to call himself in the English manner) graduated from Lviv University with a master's degree in law and political science, in 1928 he began his career in the influential Galician publication Dilo, during the period During the German occupation, he published in Krakow, and then in Vienna, the newspaper Krakivski Visti (“Krakow News”).
Here are some photos from the archives showing Mykhailo Khomiak and Nazi officers.

Chomiak (rear, 3rd from left) at a party in Cracow hosted by Emil Gassner (front, extreme right), chief spokesman for the German administration of occupied Poland and Ukraine known as the Generalgouvernement (German) and Generalne Gubernatorstwo. Source

Chomiak (rear, left) with a German officer and a different group of officials of the Generalgouvernement in Cracow. The source for the photographs is Ukrainian-Canadian researcher Alex Boykowich, who has reported his findings from the Chomiak archive here.
Here are some examples of the work by Mykhailo Khomiak in the Krakow News (Krakivski Visti).

This article (picture above) describes the meetings of Professor Kubiyovich and other representatives of Halychina (Lviv region now) and their oath to Germany to fight Bolsheviks in the final fight towards the final victory.
You can read the text from the large book on the creation of “The Ukrainian Central Committee, 1940-1945: A Case of Collaboration in Nazi-Occupied Poland” (source below the picture). We show you the picture, so you don’t have to read 585 pages in this book.
Here is the link where you can check an archival description of Mykhailo Chomiak.
Here are the pictures of the SS Waffen-Halychina where you can see Professor Volodymy Kubiyovich, the SS Nazi officers and Volodymyr Kubiyovich with the Governor of Halychina Hans Frank.

Here are some pictures of OUN with SS Halychina flags and posters in the modern day Ukraine.

Why did OUN M (Melnik) and Professor Kubiyovich join the Nazi movement and negotiate the creation of SS Waffen-Halychyna? They wanted to use the German Army machine to train “Halychyna armed forces” and hoped for creation of the government of Ukraine under the protectorate. What? There are many sources - here is one of the many. Source
We can write to you now that the government of the Western Ukraine under the protectorate of Germany was created and existed for some time. This will be researched in a separate article. This current article is very long already.
Events after the WWII
We all know what happened after WWII – the Nazis were defeated. What happened to OUN B, OUN M, UPA and SS Waffen-Halychina, their families and their relatives? We can’t answer all these questions; this article is already long. You can check the links below and read in your spare time. We can say, that the SS Waffen-Halychina lost 7 thousand soldiers in the fight near Brody, the remaining 3 thousand were transferred to Slovakia.
How did SS Halychyna and UPA surrendered to the British and the US army?
Around April 25, 1945, shortly before the surrender, the members of the division changed their uniforms and SS insignia and declared themselves the "First Unit of the Ukrainian National Army". The British officers who first encountered them only later realized who they were really dealing with. Members of the division were interned for several years, after which they eventually received immigrant status in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Australia.
The Soviet Union could not claim the UPA and SS Waffen-Halychina soldiers, because, luckily for them they had a “Polish card” or “Auswais” or some other identity card that allowed them to claim to be not returned back to Soviet Ukraine.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, about 112,000 immigrants arrived in Canada from Ukraine by 2016 (Hou & Yan, 2020), and another 14,000 arrived between 2017 and 2021 (IRCC 2022).
The events with Chomiak family after the WWII
What happened to the family of Mykhailo Khomiak? According to the Polish police source they could not locate Mykhailo Khomiak for many years, but had the files on his identity (check the pictures above in this article). We can find traces of the family in the following information (check below).
Chrystya Freeland was born in the family of Mykhailo and Halyna Chomiak (Khomiak, Khomyak).
We would like to hypothesize that the surname Freeland is not real and reflects the desire of the family and the ancestors of Chrystya Freeland to free (verb) (Ukrainian) land. Though there are traces of the Freeland surname in Canada, we can state a hypothesis that Freeland and Chomiak families are not related. The surname Freeland is very possibly a fake surname taken by the family members to cover up their Western Ukrainian origin and the story of their immigration to Canada.
The husband of Chrystya Freeland is Bowley. You can check here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrystia_Freeland
Where was Halyna Chomiak (Khomiak) born in Germany?
On September 2, 1946, when Chystya Freeland says her mother was born in a refugee camp, she was actually in a well-known spa resort for wealthy Bavarians. The US Army then controlled that part of Germany; they operated an Army hospital at Bad Worishofen and accommodated Chomiak at a spa hotel. US Army records have yet to reveal what the Americans learned about Chomiak’s war record, and how he was employed by US Army Intelligence, after he had switched from the Wehrmacht.
Who are the ancestors of Mykhailo Chomiak (Khomyak, Khomiak)?
We can see on the picture that Mykhailo and his wife had many children. One of the children was born in the Army hospital at Bad Worishofen, controlled by the US army or should we say some secret service organizations?
Here is an information from the Obituary of Halyna Chomiak.
Halyna Freeland
Halyna Freeland was a leader of the feminist movement in Edmonton and Peace River who sought to combine her feminist principles with her Ukrainian identity through various initiatives. Freeland was trained as a lawyer and actively advocated for the rights of marginalized women. For example, she frequently advocated for lesbian women to retain custody of their children in divorce cases and lobbied for recognition of the Matrimonial Property Act which recognized that land should be shared equally between spouses in divorce cases because wives worked the land even if their name wasn’t on the title. When taking a break from her law practice, Freeland opened the first women’s bookstore in Edmonton, Common Woman Books, and started The Newsmagazine for Alberta Women, while also participating as an active member within the Ukrainian community through the Hromada Cultural Group and Hromada Women’s Group. She was the leading force driving the creation of the Hromada Housing Co-op and the initiated the organization of the Second Wreath Conference.
Freeland was always busy working within progressive and feminist circles in Edmonton while keeping her pulse on political activity in Ukraine around the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1988, she ran as Member of Parliament for the New Democratic Party representing the electoral district of Old Strathcona, and although she did not win her seat, she attracted one of the largest number of volunteers in her campaign, only surpassed in the future by her daughter The Honorable Chrystia Freeland. Following the declaration of Ukrainian Independence in 1991, Freeland was compelled to help build contemporary and democratic institutions in Ukraine. In 1992 she moved to Ukraine to work on a legal reform initiative to build an independent judiciary and sat on a committee that drafted Ukraine’s Constitution. Sadly, Freeland passed away in 2007.
UPA, OUN M and OUN B and SS Waffen-Halychyna immigrants to Canada
After the end of the Second World War, activists of the "Melnikov" faction came to Canada. Once in Canada, which was new to them, these circles at first conducted mainly intensive propaganda work among young people (Created Plast in Canada, you can see that later a young daughter of Khomiak family Chrystia Khomiak (Free land) joined the organization as a plastun-girl), and she did not neglect the affairs of veterans of the 1st division of the Ukrainian National Army.
However, the Banderaites failed to take over the old Ukrainian organizations in Canada, and in 1949 they founded their own organization - the Canadian League for the Liberation of Ukraine. Later, this organization wa reformed into the Ukrainian Canadian Congress.
The story of Chrystya Chomiak Freeland (Khomiak, Chomyak)
Chrystia grew up in the family of a well-known feminists with left political and social views Halyna Chomiak (source above). At the very young age Chrystia joined a para-military formation for children and adults called Plast. People who attend Plast are called Plastuni. Plastuni are trained in guerilla skills that can be transferred to guerilla warfare. The ancestors of OUN, UPA and SS Waffen-Halychyna created Plast in Canada after the WWII. Source about Plast here.
Please, do not make mistake and do not confuse yourself about Cossacks of Ukrainian Zaporizhzhia and the Plast from the Western Ukraine. Those are different organizations not related to each other.
Chrystia grew up listening to her parents. She listened well. The story of the life of Chrystia is known in public sources, with the exception of her time and visits to Ukraine in 1989.
You can check the source here for her official bio.
Young agent-infiltrator Chrystia in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic in 1998
The texts below are from the sources marked.
“The Soviet Union’s secret police, the infamous KGB, praised her savvy and erudition, even as she frustrated their attempts to spy on her in Cold War Ukraine. They tagged her with the code name Frida. But today we know Chrystia Freeland as Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.
Ms. Freeland’s ties to Ukraine are no secret, but materials uncovered from the KGB archives in Kyiv illuminate her role in the Ukrainian independence movement while on exchange there from Harvard University.
The student causing so many headaches clearly loathed the Soviet Union, but she knew its laws inside and out – and how to use them to her advantage. She skillfully hid her actions, avoided surveillance (and shared that knowledge with her Ukrainian contacts) and expertly trafficked in “misinformation.” The conclusion is inescapable: Chrystia Freeland, this KGB officer was saying, would have made an excellent spy herself.”
“Ms. Freeland’s time in the Soviet Union came to an end when customs agents at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport, tipped off by the KGB, searched her luggage as she returned from a trip to London and found anti-Soviet materials. Even more worrying, they discovered a veritable how-to guide for running an election destined for use by non-Communist Party candidates campaigning for Ukrainian independence in the Soviet Union’s first-ever free elections. She was denied re-entry on March 31, 1989.”
Mykhailo Chomiak, Halyna Chomiak and their relatives dreamed about coming back to Ukraine and live in a free country. They even took the family name as Freeland – Free (verb) Ukraine’s Land (possible Ukrainian Nazi collaborationist slogan). Thousands of ancestors of OUN/UPA/SS Waffen-Halychina of 112,000 immigrants who were allowed to travel to Canada after WWII were told by their parents about the Western Ukraine, Halychyna, Western Ukrainian traditions, taught the songs, gave them pictures of national Western Ukrainian dress, and, gave them the “land of their parents – Batkyvshyna”. It’s worth to mention that their “land of their parents” is Halychyna, the Western part of Ukraine, not the whole of Ukraine. We should not discuss questions of what part of Ukraine is better/worse/right/wrong/more Ukrainian or less Ukrainian. We would like to adjourn this article with the hope that the current war will be over soon and all parts of Ukraine find peace and organize a government that would respect history, origins, and culture of the Eastern Ukrainians, the Southern Ukrainians, the Central Ukrainians, the Western Ukrainians.
We would like to state that the events that preceded the Orange Revolution and the Revolution of 2014 and the current war have deep historical connections to the events of WWI, WWII, players, persons and their personal agendas that affected the current war in Ukraine. We would like to warn that the majority of population of Ukraine is not aware of the history of their own country, were victims in their own country caused by the WWI, WWII, and current war. The origins of current war are multi-leveled and multi-played. We ask you to be careful and take into account various sources when judging what political agenda and what nationalistic slogan for/with/at/in Ukraine is correct. Many Ukrainians keep silence when asked whom they support, because they know the diversity of views is threatening and not welcomed. They lived under oppression for many centuries and were lied and manipulated so many times within last 200 years of the history of Ukraine.
God bless Ukrainians! Let them find peace!
Like Grandpa, like Grandbitch
Interesting that I didn't see the word Holodomor mentioned once. You seem to start about 1941. Before that Stalin starved about 9 MILLION or more eastern Ukrainians to death and then moved Russians into their place. Tell me again why so many Eastern Ukrainians speak differently?? Tell me again why a lot of Ukrainians supported Hitler against Stalin and still hate Russia and Russians??
That is a canard. We said nothing about their desire to counter Russia, but only dealt with her heritage, which cannot be refuted. And now, she is acting tyrannically in Canada. You can't refute that either.
i'm under the understanding that ukraine INVITED the nazis in to protect them from russia, which had starved millions to death during the holodomor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor
it is said that ukraine LOVES nazis unto this day and they are still there. there is a nazi battalion of the ukraine army called azov battalion that were kidnapping and torturing russian ethnics in the donbass region(?) of ukraine.
I wish today's reporter were still taught about the information pyramid.