• The Jewish Vote We Need To Watch

    November 28, 2022
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    Image by Gage Skidmore

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    By Jeffrey Berk - Founder of TruthTells

    With great regret I inform you that Orange is dead. Anti-Semitism is the New Black.

    To all my Jewish friends, fellow citizens, and most importantly, the tens of millions of non-Jewish citizens who have become vocal against the spike in anti-Semitism over the last few weeks; please join our mission to fix it.

    Stop spending time pining on social media over Kanye West, Kyrie Irving, and Dave Chappelle cancellation. All they did was illuminate a growing problem of how deeply “baked in”the anti-Semitic dialogue truly is.

    The swiftest and surest solution, instead, must come from within the Jewish community itself.

    Anti-Zionism is becoming university policy, part of entertainment content, social media commentary, international relations. The ground-zero rests with the 2018 Congress of the United States.

    The midterm election of 2018 opened the congressional doors to the likes of anti-Israel progressives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (“AOC”), Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley, known to all of us, a term they use as sword and shield, “The SQUAD”.

    As the new heartthrobs of multi-millions of otherwise impressionable teenagers and young adults, the Congressional Progressive Caucus (“CPC”) was intoxicated with the tailwinds the SQUAD brought with them.

    In 2018, the CPC embraced the SQUAD political donation and headline machine. 12 of those CPC members were Jewish.

    In 2019, the CPC witnessed AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, and Cori Bush lead the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) effort in Congress — including the 12 Jewish members of the CPC.

    In 2020, the CPC announced the election of their Executive Board (“CPCEB”) and trumpeted the ethnic and gender diversity of those who filled their 27 leadership positions. Including the same 12 Jewish members of the CPC, the Squad’s BDS support be damned.Within the CDCEB was Ilhan Omar, who by virtue of her election to Whip was now 3rd in command. Rashida Tlaib was elected Vice Chair of Member Services.

    In 2021, the CPC watched AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, and Bush vote against Iron Dome funding. These 12 Jewish CPC members essentially sat silentanti-Iron Dome and pro-BDS positions be damned.

    In 2019, House Republicans stripped Steve King of all leadership and committee posts over his racist utterances. Democrats were swift to condemn the Republican as well, but they had nothing to criticize the GOP for. The King takedown was simply that fast.

    Democrats have not been so resolute to clean up the mess in their own backyard. Anti-Semitic tropes, along with regular slanders against Israel and the Jews who live there, are commonplace from AOC, Omar, and Tlaib; yet over 25 sitting Jewish politicians remain inactive, afraid to get cancelled on social media.

    TruthTells, a non-partisan 501(c)4, was founded this summer with one agenda: urge sitting Jewish politicians to stop the rise of their anti-Semitic colleagues.

    We’re grading each Jewish member of Congress — A+ to F — on their actual performance to fight back against their colleagues. After all,

    Dear Jewish CPC members Suzanne Bonamci, David Cicilline, Steve Cohen, Lois Frankel Sara Jacobs, Mike Levin, Alan Lowenthal, Jerry Nadler, Jamie Raskin, Jan Schakowsky, Brad Sherman, John Yarmuth for now, you have a preemptive “F” in fighting anti-Semitism within your ranks, the source of the recent phenomenon.

    The clock is ticking. In just a couple of weeks, the CPCED elects new leaders. What will you do? Sit silently idle, or rally your non-Jewish members to take a stand?

    As said before, SQUAD narrative has been going to tens of millions of impressionable teenagers and young adults since 2019, so, dear reader, take no more surprise when Kanye West and Kyrie Irving antics are heralded by so many.And lastly, dear friends throughout the CPC, what candle do you still hold for Tlaib anyway? She’s the one who cited that any of you who don’t agree with her, that Israel is an apartheid government, in essence, should stop calling yourselves, “Progressives”.

    If our sitting Jewish politicians won’t stop the spread of anti-Semitic politicians, then who will?


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