Yesterday China offloaded approximately 100 military troops in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, to help support the dictatorial regime of Nicolas Maduro, who succeeded Hugo Chavez and has slowly and methodically destroyed the country through theft and socialist policies.
And now according to Al-Masdar News, citing defense analyst photographs and local reports, "more than 120 soldiers from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army arrived at Venezuela’s Margarita Island to deliver humanitarian and military supplies to the government forces," reported Zero Hedge.
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The military flight appears to have touched down on Sunday, two days after a prior Chinese cargo plane delivered 65 tons of medicine and other aid to Venezuela. The Chinese troops are also there ostensibly to assist with the humanitarian mission, but it appears Beijing is also now alongside the Russians pushing back against Washington ultimatums to stay out of Venezuela, after repeatedly condemning any external coup plotting against President Nicolas Maduro.
The move seems to have been coordinated with the Kremlin, whose state-run media crowed about Chinese forces arriving to help hundreds of Russian troops already there.
The developments are in direct response to U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton's call for foreign militias to stay out of Venezuela, in accordance with the Monroe Doctrine.
We may soon have Russian and Chinese illegals trying to cross our southern border. Can't imagine that expansionism isn't on their minds.