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Ukraine's war drags on with no end, but their manpower shortage is also a big problem. To solve the problem of having enough people to fight on the front lines, Ukrainian police teams are chasing people down, capturing them, and sending them to military internment camps to be moved to the front lines as quickly as possible.
What is rarely shared with the rest of the world is that these police teams are paid up to $200.00 per person captured. The military officers help pay the police, using American tax dollars, to ensure neither they nor the police have to take part in the fighting. The teams have an average goal of 8-10 abductees per day, netting up to $2,000 per day for the team of two to split. Up to fifteen teams will operate in a city with a population of 250,000.
Our sources in Ukraine shared the video below to show how police forces chase down men to capture them. In this case, the potential abductee managed to escape.
Those captured are moved by bus every night to military internment camps. The police escort the bus convoys, which typically have four buses each. The picture below shows the back end of a typical bus.

Official license plates in Ukraine are yellow, while military plates are black. The bus fleet used to move the abductees to their camps has white plates, which means this is a private contract funded by American taxpayer funds for the profit of the police and military officers who do not want to fight. The picture below is a close of the same bus above.

The hunting of humans is driving some to seek escape via any possible means. Because the roads and highways are heavily patrolled, people often attempt to escape across the Carpathian Mountains or via riverways, which can be fatal in the winter.

The following is an edited conversation from a Ukrainian source who operates in Northern Ukraine and is desperate to get the truth out. The conversation is edited to remove any possible identifying characteristics of the source.
Unfortunately, I can’t do open interviews as there is no such thing as freedom of speech in Ukraine nowadays. It’s punishable to tell the truth about what’s going on here.
I’ve been threatened by military officers to be imprisoned in one of their illegal makeshift military jails where they keep men to break and to force them to military. They are like small concentration camps.
But it’s the government politics to force Christian men to military. Though we are legal exempt from the military service as alternative (non-military) service is guaranteed by the Constitution, article 35.
But president Zelenskyy and his government trample the law as they want to stay in power as long as possible. That explains why most Ukrainian officials are not interested to stop the war. Military officers do not want to fight, so they grab civilians to fight for them. The order is if they don’t do that, they will have to fight themselves.
Also, it has become a big corruption scheme: if you pay these military officers US$15-25k, you can be exempt from the army. This made many of them dollar millionaires in just two years.
So, it’s not about the law but about money.
I have the names of the officers that persecute me…….
I feel like I am being hunted, can you imagine feeling like you are a wanted criminal…
Police, government officials, judges and military officers joint their efforts to find and grab as many men as they can by force.
That’s why I stay home most of the time.
When I drive, I carry a gas mask with me to protect myself from the tear gas police and military officers spray inside the cars to get us out. So, right now, we are scared mostly of Ukrainian officials rather than Russians…
The hunting of humans is not a national security issue; it is the pursuit of profit by those who refuse to fight yet are in the armed forces of Ukraine.
Ukrainians are properly trained before going to the front lines so you saying the are quickly sent to the front is pure Russian projection Ivan. The draft age of Ukraine is 25 whereas Russia is 18. Add to the fact that male children at 14 can now work in factories because of an acute manpower shortage in Russia. No the Russians are infamous for squandering human life. Many Ukrainian soldiers are trained in combat tactics in the west and that pipeline is full.
Says who?
Zelenskyy already banned opposition media and political parties... you think they are "following the law" in Ukraine?
How quaint!
I'm sure the media channels you watch/listen to told you about Victoria Nuland's little adventure there in 2013/2014, right? The one where she talks about making the head of the Neo-Nazi organization, Svoboda, part of the new government of Ukraine?
When she famously said "F*** the E.U." Of course, that was her little Coup d' état.
Victoria Nuland (real J3wi$h name; Nudelman) is of course J3wi$h, as is Zelensky who stated that he wanted to make Ukraine 'into a country just like Israel'.
We can see how that is turning out, and such efforts in Israel would have failed early on if not for the bribed and blackmailed support that the West is allowing Israel to get away with ie Holodomor & genocide in Gaza,etc.Their goal is to kill as many Goy Gentiles as possible by any and all means available!
I have seen video of retarded mongoloids on the front lines for Ukraine. The government is evil and corrupt.
'People' and 'persons'??? 👌😉
Really means MEN and MEN.
Let's not pretend they're enslaving the privileged class, aka women with their EEKWALITEE.
NATO stole Ukraine and installed a fraud government that has no problem kidnapping civilians and forcing them to the front line.
That fraud government spent around 8 years murdering civilians.
Every human over there in favor of that shit, is soulless and will probably be dead soon as well.
The Ukrainian Government is hunting Christians. Why?
The Ukrainian Government is J3wi$h, and is intent on wiping out white Christian men as per the Talmud, and the old Soviet Bolshevik apparatus ie the CHEKA, GRU, SMERSH, NKVD and KGB.
History is being repeated byt deliberately overlooked by the J3wi$h / Zionist controlled Western Govenrments, who - in turn- have been blackmailed, bribed, and held to ransom by the Mossad, Unit 8200 and 'Ashkenazi / Khazarian business connections.