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The State Department revealed in a Monday filing that they are "substantially likely" to shut down their $100M Global Engagement Center (GEC), which was revealed in early 2023 to have been funding a "disinformation" tracking group which worked to pressure advertisers to demonetize outlets it accuses of spreading "disinformation."
Except, they're really just "realigning" the "Center's staff and funding to other Department offices and bureaus for foreign information manipulation."
The move comes amid a lawsuit from Texas AG Ken Paxton and several conservative media outlets listed a GEC-funded "dynamic exclusion list" of websites it doesn't like, which it would then distribute to ad tech companies - such as Microsoft's Xandr - in order to try and "defund and downrank these worst offenders," and deprive said sites of ad revenue...
To read more visit Zero Hedge.
Cover image by Chatham House - Joseph R Biden Jr, Vice President, United States of America (2009-17); Leader, The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement