Populists Will 'Reset' Western Civilization

The Great Reset Is Coming All right, But It's Not What You Think
Image by Oeoi

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The coup of 2020 was a gift to the West, although most don't yet realize it. You see, the Marxists wanted another decade to encroach upon our liberties, further infiltrate Western governments, and destroy Western societal foundations, to take their agenda to the point of no return.

But, the election of President Trump forced them to act earlier. His election, and re-election, forced them to reveal themselves and their evil agenda.

Their mask is off for good.

There is a great awakening happening across Western Civilization.

The third term of Barack Obama is being exposed as a nest of lies and societal destruction. This is a gift and we must recognized it as such as we fight to save the republic from this communist onslaught.

The active Left is actually a very small part of America. Unfortunately they control the media, and have worked to control the levers of government and our national security apparatus.

However, they are not invincible, not by a long shot. The people hold the power.

Why do you think there is now a fence around Washington, D.C.? Because these traitors realize at some point the people will have had enough, and will hold them accountable.

The quickest way to eviscerate their power is to stop giving them money. That means get off their social networks which are surveilling you and your friends. There are plenty of free speech alternatives. Stop watching and reading the corporate media. Just stop giving them clicks. Stop shopping at and using the products of 'woke capital'. Defund them!

This will get their attention and bring change.

Get active in local politics. Force change on the GOP.

Build local community networks.

Find, or even build, an un-'woke' church.

In short, build a new populist economic echosystem in America.

This is the way forward and how we can use the 'gift' given to us by Trump to the fullest extent possible as we save this nation for our grandchildren.

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