• Now It's Time For Accountability

    January 2, 2022
    Image by TheSimmer0

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    Can you feel it?

    Can you feel the Overton Window shift?

    It's happening as we write.

    As we posted earlier today -- the plandemic is over. Dr. Malone and Joe Rogan made sure of that, along with many other pro-freedom humans.

    Only the foolish will get vaccinated and wear a mask now.

    The New Year is here! It's time for an Omicron party! Everyone get sick and save your community with herd immunity!

    What's a few days feeling under the weather when you can protect your children's future?

    Now it's time for accountability.

    It's time to dethrone the regime.

    It's time for the traitors in the Department of Defense to be investigated and charged for aiding and abetting our existential enemy - the Chinese Communist Party.

    It's time for the generals at the service academies to face court-martial for pushing Marxism on our cadets, and forcing them to take unhealthy gene serums.

    It's time for those going along with the killing by bioweapon in the medical community to face criminal charges.

    It's time for media companies who consorted with our enemies to lose their licenses and frequency spectrum.

    It's time for big tech titans to be tried for treason or flee to China.

    It's time for Nuremberg 2.0.

    2022 is going to be an awesome year.

    CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!


    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    In all honesty, after what we've all seen in the past, there will be no accountability. Oh, maybe some underling in a 3-lettered agency will be the fall guy, but the really big players will get away with doing evil.
    Evil has infected every level of every nation.

    Same same

    Good to see your 2022 us just as delusional as your 2021 Lunatic Todd Wood.

    Jerry Cote

    Anyone trying to find hope for the end of this cabal is kind of stuck in the Charlie Ward, beforeitsnews stream of belief. This is a place where the military's been in charge since before 1/20/21, running silent but deadly, running most of the criminals to ground quietly before making things public, and THAT on top of the whole global fiat debt banking system nearing a stupendous and irreversible collapse.

    There is literally no other strain of thought now, just the two, one being a tanker truck full of hopium, and the other, pure despair.


    The Pilgrim Society at work. Trump to be their next pres.


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