California Government's Role In The Destruction Is Becoming Clear

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“LA” may now stand for Legal Arson, approved by the authorities. and it may have to do with UN Agendas in ways previously unconsidered by most. Here’s why.
Over 45,000 square MILES have been burned, or 29% of the entire state of California
This is a land area which equals: >
100+% of each of entire states of IN, OH, VA, TN, ME, SC, WV, MD, VT, NH, MA, HI, CT, DE, AND R, as well as
92% of NORTH CAROLINA, and
91% of FLORIDA.
The destruction in this burn is over 2.5 times the size of Manhattan. As if that weren’t horror enough, we’re learning about what the Los Angeles and State officials are really up to.
The acting mayor of LA, MARQUEECE JOHNSON, waited 6 1/2 HOURS after Pacific Palisades had become an inferno, to issue a Local State of Emergency! Johnson is LA City Council President, an elected official. Marqueece must have been told to wait. Who would DO this, if they cared a fig about their fellow man - and electorate, nonetheless?? Johnson apparently understands that there will be no more elections in LA, so he is not at all worried about being voted out of office or sent to jail for his malfeasance.
Seems a lot of Angelinos have voted for their own demise, through their almost religious beliefs in myopic constructs of a fish, a DEI hire and other Green New Deal garbage. To the rest of the rational world, this is incredibly hard to comprehend.
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The 3” fish, the snail darter, is really NOT so rare after all, and was removed from the “endangered species” list in 2022. The DEI movement has proven its own dangerous inefficacy. The utterly criminal leadership of Newsom, Bass and their gang, is shining bright, even to those formerly too blind to see. The evidence is now all around the residents of LA, much of it still smoldering.
In addition to an elected public official waiting over 6 hours to declare an emergency, there’s more.
***Just before the Palisades fire erupted, residents caught an arsonist in the act. There have been reported to be many, but this one was caught and captured by people of the neighborhood he was torching. The nearest firefighting official was too busy doing his job to deal with the evidence, so asked them to turn him over to police. The citizens promptly did so. As I understand it, no one has yet been detained.
***Just before the Kenneth Fire erupted on Thursday, residents photographed a man on a bicycle dumping and lighting fuel with a blowtorch. When they yelled at him to STOP, he got stressed, the residents reported, and said he “had to” keep going. As he tried to pedal away, he kept yelling that. Furious citizens brought him down, tied him up and handed him over to police. This was as the fire was beginning to burn, Jan. 8.
***Authorities said there was not enough probable cause to arrest the man on suspicion of arson, but he has been charged with a felony probation violation. (Like Edgar Welch, the Pizzagate witness in NC?) The authorities said the suspect - whom residents who had brought, zip-tied, to the police, say he “lacked motive”. The suspect was in his 20’s and spoke Spanish as a first language. Click on the article above.
Interesting. Might this kid, most probably an illegal working for a day’s pay, have been so stressed because he recognized the horror of what he was doing, but was (paid? forced?) to do so? One of the many millions of unanswered questions about this catastrophe which is sure to stay that way.
On Jan. 11, one neighborhood was reopened, and residents allowed in to see the smoldering ruins, and search for anything they might have left to save. This comes as burglars dressed as firefighters are among the thieves arrested as lawlessness in the city spirals during curfews and mandatory evacuation orders. I hear twenty or so have been arrested for looting.
WHY would authorities PLAN for such mass destruction? There are several horrid possibilities, all having to do with the UN AGENDAS. Oh, and, of course the 2028 Olympics…. The most evident reason of all seems to be a portion of the Globalist world control agenda called “C40”, The UN C40 Cities Initiative. From their website:
This is happening in Florida as well. The “Live Local Act”, recently passed in that state, supersedes local zoning restrictions. I’ve talked about it, though not by name, but by reference to development forces that have gone beyond citizen’s choices. Government, in a Constitutional Republic, must be OF and FOR the people. Not AT them.
C40 and the “Live Local” Act are good examples of the same type of “government vs citizens” game play. Hence, Fake Voter Guides and all the rest. Now, I hear that Tallahassee is shutting down groups of citizens who are members of no particular organization, if they want to come to a public meeting to hear about America First topics.
The Globalists have to use a different approach in Florida, as the population is too scattered to burn out or to destroy large numbers with hurricanes, so the taking away of Constitutional rights is done instead. Meetings are to be shut down, and votes, stolen by lies.
Los Angeles is easier pickings because of the density of its population - and its skulls, I’d add - and the natural conditions which have always been subject to a seasonal dryness and heavy winds. The Santa Anna Winds come every year. Once, there were a few fires when a BBQ grill got out of hand. Now, it’s a whole new world, thanks to that “soft treaty” (one not requiring Congressional approval) signed by Bush in 1992, which inserted the UN Agendas into every part of our lives.
This nation must stop bending over to this!
Los Angeles calls it’s deadly C40 plan, the Livable Communities Initiative (LCI). To achieve it, they have rendered tens of thousands homeless, and some, destitute. “Liveable”. Must be a Globalist/Marxist definition of the word.
Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggins have posted an interview in one of their latest substacks which explains. “This is a movement to achieve the United Nations and globalist goals of restructuring cities to address the manufactured “climate change” crisis.”
The Breggins put it very well. Now all that money that might have had to be used in the run up to C40, to force people to sell their homes against their will, plus the costs of thousands of square miles of demolition have been saved. Not to mention saving the the inevitable public display when the litigation against the state and its political leaders is mounted. That would be both costly and embarrassing. Tsk, tsk… People might think the Globalists are bad guys.
The citizens just didn’t bother to make sure the had a seat at the table at UN Agenda Games, like so many of us over the decades.
There are still a number of fires burning in this beautiful land. Winds are forecast (or manufactured?) to pick up again for the next several days, and cause more devastation. This will be left to go on, until they are done clearing the lives and land out of the way of the One World take-over, LA style.
Now, it seems more understandable that the California state government is in session; - NOT TO improve things in any way, as far as fire control or water supply, or to provide help for those who have lost so much - but to write laws against the Trump administration. Trump understands this, I’d guess. That is why they fear him.
Soon, if all goes according to the Luciferian plan, soon, the City of Los Angeles will be a city of the world, with few trees, little wildlife, and its residents imprisoned in 400 s.f. “apartments” in concrete towers. Automobiles and fossil fuels will be of no concern, because most will not be allowed to own one. All this, just in time for the 2028 Olympics, to show the world a REAL UN Agenda city.
Also, were this all to roll out, Los Angeles, and many other parts of the State of California, would no longer be a part of these United States of America. Our 31st state, admitted to our Union Sept. 9, 1850, after the famous Gold Rush, would be leaving.
Whether this would make you cheer or cry, is up to your own experiences with that beautiful state and its people. All I can really say is that theirs is a truly heartbreaking story about why is is imperative that we stay involved in every step of our governance -from that in our Statehouses to our own back yards.
If we don’t demand a seat at the table, we’re really not in the game, except to be used.