Power is the capacity to compel loyalty and obedience, under conditions of duress. Authority is the capacity to inspire loyalty and obedience, under conditions where free will obtains — Aimee Terese

Vice President Joe Biden at a Meeting with Ukrainian Legislators, April 22, 2014
Public Domain

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Originally posted at Kunstler.com

You’re aware, I’m sure, that a lot of people thought “Joe Biden” was being play-acted in the White House over his four years there by a series of look-alike actors. You saw those news items comparing “JB’s” earlobes to the old gaffer who showed up at the podium on a given day. Hmmmmmm. . . . I was not persuaded by any of that. “Joe Biden” has simply been impersonating himself — play-acting the role of “president.” The mystery is how he got there.

You can expect very shortly, probably only a matter of weeks, to see a raft of news stories, soon-to-be big-money books, revealing the utter sustained chaos that churned behind the pathetic, half-animate figure pretending to be “chief executive” of the US government lo these dismal four years past. You will learn who was pulling his strings day-to-day since 1/20/21, probably a gang of 25-year-old, ambitious, Cluster-B staffers too disorganized to even amount to a cabal — but sufficiently united in their mission to destroy the country by any means necessary.

Whose idea was it, anyway, back in the spring of 2020, to retrieve this broken hack from the dumpster of discarded Democratic Party primary candidates and jam him into the role of nominee for president? You’d suspect Barack Obama, of course, since the former president had set-up a war-room across town from the White House during the Trump interregnum, and had openly bragged that he’d love nothing better than to someday kick back in a warm-up suit and phone-in governing orders to a stand-in dummy occupying the oval office.

Except Mr. Obama famously disdained his former veep. The few duties “Joe Biden” had in that role (under poor supervision apparently), he converted into a money-laundering and grift operation — most notoriously his adventures in pre-war Ukraine, where First Son Hunter played bag-man from his seat on the Burisma gas company board. That racket evolved quickly and neatly so that at just about every airport around the world that Air Force Two landed, Hunter and “Joe” were clocking-in fat bribes, supposedly for “influence.” That was the joke, of course, because “Joe Biden” had no influence with his President Obama, who regarded him as an idiot, a bumbling Inspecto Clouseau, of whom he famously said, “Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

Yet, somehow, the old crook got maneuvered into “winning” the 2020 Super Tuesday multi-primary — abracadabra! Ballot magic! — while some little birdie flew around and persuaded Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete, Amy Klobuchar and the rest to drop out. Meanwhile, the Deep State blob had delivered the gift of Covid-19, whatever it was, a lab creation, a seasonal flu, or just a mass of PCR-test fake positives, and Mr. Trump was snookered into lockdowns by the same public health blobsters who engineered the “pandemic” crisis: Fauci, Birx, Francis Collins, Alex Azar, et al., with Bill Gates, Ralph Baric, and Klaus Schwab lurking somewhere in the background.

You can’t overstate the fervency of the Democratic Party in 2020 to eject Mr. Trump from office, considering the threat he represented to all of DC’s business-as-usual — especially after he escaped the perfidious impeachment trap engineered by legal assassins Mary McCord and Norm Eisen. Ergo, The USA slid haplessly into an ethos of grotesque institutional lying and election fraud because, you see, something else had evolved ominously backstage since 2016: the criminal activities of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and Pentagon (major blob tentacles) in the drawn-out RussiaGate scam. Many people needed to shield themselves from potential prosecution.

“Joe Biden” hit the campaign trail like he was Rutherford B. Hayes, back in the day when candidates for president barely strayed beyond the front porch of their home. To say he hid in his basement was only a slight exaggeration. The few public events his handlers dragged him into attracted the public in embarrassing double-digits. He was already widely suspected of being in clinical dementia. Despite the blob’s best efforts, the content of Hunter’s laptop was already leaking onto the Interwebs, photos of Hunter naked with whores, guns, and drugs, deal memos between shadowy foreigners and Hunter’s Rosemont-Seneca money laundromat. But, of course, the news media buried all that and social media censored it.

And so, more election magic! The blob’s “Big Lie” trope — employed to this day even in the latest cabinet confirmation hearings — was itself the biggest lie, a complete inversion of the truth, which is that the 2020 election was a total and comprehensive fraud. It was an orgy of crime carried out across many states. Those of us who stayed up late the night of November 3-4, 2020, watched the numbers slip-and-slide from one column to the other right in our faces, saw the videos of fake ballots in Fulton County, GA, the shenanigans in Philadelphia, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Detroit, and Milwaukee. Mark Zuckerberg had laid nearly half a billion dollars on swing states to switch-out election officials with Democratic Party activists and to fund ballot “harvesting” ops. Yes, you can state with certainty that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen for “Joe Biden.”

The four years of “Joe Biden’s” term-in-office that followed have induced the most severe disordering of the collective American mind in our history, lost in a fog of perfidious mendacity unmatched in scope by the Civil War, or any other national crisis. “Joe Biden’s” government went to war against the people of this land, at the same time it sold-out our vital national interests to the CCP, the WEF, the WHO, and other parties seeking our nation’s destruction. For years, we have been forced to swallow absurdities such as unsafe and ineffective vaccines, drag queens in the grade schools, borders wide-open to saboteurs (declared to be “secure”), and a stupid war against Russia that has destroyed the sad-sack nation of Ukraine.

“Joe Biden” has been a disaster and an embarrassment, easily the most damaging character to ever creep onto the US political scene. His one talent was for fakery. Even with sclerosis eating through his brain, he was able to go through the motions of faking it, reading his script off the teleprompter — though he was no longer up to casual questions in a news conference setting. The slime trail of crimes he leaves behind would be easy to follow by law enforcement officials actually interested in crime. He’s likely to pardon himself at the last moment, and pardon a long roster of federal officials who have committed crimes with and behind him. One way or another, they are going to be found out, even if many manage to evade prosecution. But at least we are going to learn a lot more about who was pulling “Joe’s” strings, and exactly what they did, and how — including the trick of making the news media hostage to their crimes.

So, adios, “Joe Biden,” you miserable, treasonous bastard. History will record you as the one president so far who was consciously a villain outright, in true self-knowledge of his own wickedness. You left your country a wreck in every dimension: in national security, national bankruptcy, national pride, and national confidence. Go back to Delaware and sit in the dim light of your room with the curtains drawn so you won’t have to hear about the gruesome discoveries to come of what you left behind. And when the day arrives for your funeral, be advised that it will not be much better than your campaign stop in Darby, PA, in June 2020, when you maundered pointlessly to a nearly empty room. . . before going out for ice cream with your secret service detail.

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