Командир 732-го зенитно-артиллерийского полка полковник М.Т. Бондаренко и комиссар полка, старший батальонный комиссар Г.И. Морозкин. Тула, октябрь-ноябрь 1941 года

The commander of the 732th anti-aircraft artillery regiment, Colonel M.T. Bondarenko and the regiment commissar, senior battalion commissar G.I. Morozkin. Tula, October-November 1941

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CDMedia has been made aware of the installation of 'political officers' inside the ranks at the U.S. Air Force Academy, reminiscent of Soviet-style officers that enforced Communist Party doctrine in the Soviet Red Army, who were called political commissars.

These officials at USAFA will be entitled 'Diversity and Inclusion' officers with power inside the organization.

Below are several paragraphs from a recent leaked memo describing the intended process.

SUBJECT: Cadet Wing Diversity and Inclusion Staff 

  1. The purpose of this MFR is to outline the operations procedures and purpose of the new Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) system integrated into the existing AFCW structure.

2. Proposal: Throughout 2020 and since, the United States of America and the world have increased emphasis on combatting discrimination of all forms as well as the institutions that enable it. Unfortunately, the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) is not isolated from the discrimination embedded in long-standing practices and beliefs, but the institution can be part of the solution. This proposal seeks to establish a D&I Mission Element into the Cadet Wing (AFCW). Headed by a Wing Diversity and Inclusion Officer (AFCW/DI), this staff will lead at the Wing and Squadron levels. The Mission Element’s objective is to guide future leaders toward enhanced competency of inclusive leadership as defined by USAFA’s senior leaders, serve as subject matter experts and peer-counselors for D&I concerns, and be champions of dignity and respect to foster an inclusive climate in the Cadet Wing.

3. Selection, Training, and Identification: Members of the D&I staff will be trusted advocates within the Cadet Wing. These individuals must be thoroughly vetted in order to ensure the right leaders are selected at all levels. All staff members will be volunteers. Interested cadets will submit an application devised by USAFA/CWP with endorsement from the Squadron AOC and Cadet Commander. These cadets must then interview with existing staff members through a process defined by USAFA/CWP. Once selected, D&I Officers and NCOs will receive training provided by USAFA/CCD, USAFA/CCLD, USAFA/EO, and USAFA/CWP. Recommended trainings include, but are not limited to, inclusive leadership, conversation facilitation, unconscious bias, and cultural sensitivity. USAFA/CWP and USAFA/EO will design training programs. The Wing D&I Officer will be responsible for annually reviewing and updating training procedures in conjunction with USAFA/CWP and USAFA/EO. All members of D&I staff will wear purple shoulder cords. These shoulder cords serve as a visual identifier for D&I staff.

Please see the entire attached memo below that was leaked.














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