• UGA Professor Bullock Fact Checked

    September 14, 2023
    University of Georgia

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    Good morning Professor Bullock,

    My name is Christopher Gleason. I am a data and technology analyst. I often write articles about election integrity and campaign finance issues. I have been writing extensively on a massive nationwide campaign finance money laundering operation.

    It was recently brought to my attention that you were quoted in the following article written by Ed Payne: https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2023/09/222-contributions-with-zero-donor-information-do-not-prove-there-is-fraud-in-the-campaig-of-fulton-county-district-attorney-fani-willis.html

    In the article, the following was attributed to you:

    Lead Stories also contacted Charles S. Bullock, III, a University of Georgia political science professor. In another September 7, 2023, email, Bullock said there was nothing remarkable about the information found in the donor's list:

    Fani Willis had lots of contributors. That there were [those] who gave less than $100 and therefore did not have to report background information is not surprising. High profile campaigns now regularly get money from hundreds or thousands of people who contribute just a few dollars online. Campaigns often brag about the number of small contributions they have received. Some report that the average contribution is well under $100.

    I wanted to discuss your comments and gain some insight into your thoughts. I also had some questions for you regarding this "FACT CHECK".

    Was the original article from the Georgia Record given to you to read or were you just given the Fani WIllis campaign contributions .csv download?

    In case you have not been given the opportunity to read the original article here is a link to it: https://www.georgiarecord.com/election-integrity/2023/08/31/explosive-revelation-fani-willis-linked-to-massive-election-fraud-and-money-laundering-rico-enterprise/

    Is it your professional opinion that small donations structured to stay below campaign finance limits to prevent the disclosure of names and addresses are not an opportunity for fraud and an opportunity for illicit activities such as money laundering?

    You were quoted in the article "High profile campaigns now regularly get money from hundreds or thousands of people who contribute just a few dollars online." Is your statement not an admission that this is something that is now occurring at a great frequency today?

    Would it be a fair statement to say that a law that was intentionally drafted to allow small donors to not disclose their names and addresses be a very easy way to not only evade campaign finance limits but to launder money into political campaigns and into the coffers of political consultants and service providers?

    If Ed had investigated Brian Kemp’s campaign finance disclosures he would have seen many thousands of “Individual Contributions” that were made that did not have donor names or addresses disclosed. You can check out Brian Kemp’s campaign finance reporting “HERE”

    Is the volume of undisclosed campaign finance contributions on this report an example of what you are speaking about?

    You should download the filed Kemp campaign contributions and take a look for yourself.

    In your professional and extensive political/legal opinion how many times would an average individual donor make campaign finance contributions in an election cycle?

    In your professional and extensive political/legal opinion, how many times would a person who is "NOT EMPLOYED" donate to Federal political campaigns and political campaigns in local elections in cities and states that they have no connection to?

    In my article I included a link to the FEC Website to check the names on the Fani Willis campaign finance disclosure:

    the link in the article to search the FEC database and see how most of the Fani Willis campaign finance contributors exactly match the profile of the nationwide campaign finance money laundering RICO enterprise that I have been documenting and exposing for over two years.

    How many campaign finance contributions does the average American voter make during an entire election cycle? If you ask most people they will say maybe 2 or 3. According to Fani Willis campaign finance reports her donors make 200 – 300 or more.

    In your professional and extensive political/legal opinion how much money would the average American donate to total during an election cycle?

    Why would out of state voters make numerous campaign finance contributions to a little known district attorney in Fulton County?

    Why would people who do not make contributions in local campaigns where they live get involved in District Attorney campaigns in far away states?

    What would your professional opinion be regarding Carol Johnson?

    How does someone who is “NOT EMPLOYED” make 9,178 campaign finance contributions? Do you have any reasonable explanation for this volume of campaign finance activity? What are your thoughts?

    Why would someone who is “NOT EMPLOYED” who lives in California be interested in a race in Fulton County Georgia? Does that make any sense to you?

    Perhaps, Ed Payne can explain the curious case of the woman from St Petersburg, Florida who claims she never made any campaign finance contributions to Fani Willis, although she was listed as making four contributions to the campaign.

    If Ed Payne ran a search against the FEC database for Abby Fogarty what would Ed have discovered?

    Can you help me understand how Abby Fogarty was making campaign finance contributions in both Florida and Michigan?

    How many states that Abby Fogarty or Abigail Fogarty is registered to vote in? Would the fact that she is registered to vote in multiple states and is on record making campaign finance contributions using addresses in two different states not an indication of fraud?

    It seems that Fani Willis is not the only beneficiary of this ActBlue money laundering/identity theft RICO enterprise.

    Another “FACT” that Ed probably did not “CHECK” was any of the data in the Fani Willis Campaign Finance Report. Why would none of the zip codes for Massachusetts donors be correct?

    How exactly could all of the Massachusetts donors not have the correct zip code? Are campaign finance disclosures required to be accurate?

    It seems that yet again we have someone who is “NOT EMPLOYED” making large numbers of “Individual Contributions” to out of state political campaigns.

    Are we seeing a pattern yet?

    Maybe Ed Payne should try to “FACT CHECK” Amy Topel?

    How many states is Amy Topel making campaign finance contributions in? You can check out the FEC database and see for yourself. Amy Topel is registered to vote in all of these states. How is it that Amy Topel in Illinois and Florida have the same employer? How is it that Amy Topel is registered to vote and votes by mail in each of the states listed above in the FEC campaign finance database?

    Perhaps, Ed Payne can explain and “FACT CHECK” the following ActBlue FEC Query.

    Did people who are “NOT EMPLOYED” really make 38,400,000 campaign finance contributions to ActBlue?

    Did the 883,000 “NOT EMPLOYED” Warnock Campaign contributors actually make those contributions?

    Is any of the above information in your professional legal opinion an indication of campaign finance fraud and irregularities?

    What if you were informed that when many of these campaign contributors were contacted they had no recollection of making these campaign finance contributions?

    How do elderly people make many hundreds and/or thousands of online campaign finance contributions in a single election cycle?

    I can be best reached at 727-780-2059 if you would like to discuss this in greater detail.

    I look forward to your reply to my questions about your professional onion in the "FACT CHECK"

    Warmest regards,

    Christopher Gleason

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    Sam Woodward

    Good, to the point, article. Should get wider distribution. I'm from Alabama - maybe Yellowhammer or 1819news would be interested. This is not only about election integrity but especially about PERSONAL integrity of the "Professor". I bet you will get no response from him.

    B Hicks

    This is unbelievable. James O'Keefe has reported on the same issue, yet nothing is being done about it.
    Great research, please keep at it ?

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