Image by Metropolitan Transportation Authority of the State of New York

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Guest post by Jacqueline Toboroff

There is no pandemic.

How can there be when there’s a disparity between children and schools in the same city, NYC? Public schools never mandated the vaccine and encourage but don’t require PCR tests after breaks. Private schools operate differently, but no two the same.There’s no consistency and if this was a pandemic, there would be.

Many private schools are going remote after Christmas break. A reason given was a spike in the virus. How do they know it was amongst kids?

I have a different take.

PCR tests were required to return to school after Christmas break. But because local NY government created a near stampede of healthy, asymptomatic people getting tested, hijacking them with fear or having it be necessary in order to return to work and make a living, travel, resume school, the tests many were mandated to get were impossible to get. Local government can’t even manage the mandate. As a result, there are test shortages and results are delayed. Many places, pediatricians, Urgent Care, pharmacies and even hospitals turned people away this past week and this weekend.

The option was securing an appointment at a place that price gauged. I say was, because that was until emails were sent out after panicked parents made appointments only to get word school was going remote. But, not all schools.

A case study in how you drive people insane is to keep changing the rules from day to day, without any parental input, and take away school meaning parents ability to work.

After 2 years, we’ve learned the one group punished are families. Children must follow whims of people that clung to the CDC despite the CDC changing course time and time again, admitting they bend to teachers unions, that masks don’t work (we all knew that), and PCR tests are less reliable than we were told.

People will get colds, the flu, and yes, the virus. Those with underlying conditions and obesity should, if they wish, be cautious. But the rest of us should not be forced to flatline.

It’s 2022. Enough of the remote. Enough of the masks.

Jacqueline Toboroff

IG @jacquelinefornyc

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