• West Point Segregates Cadets With Booster Shot - Boosted Get To Sleep In Through Morning Formation For A Week

    January 25, 2022
    The U.S. Military Academy Class of 2024 achieved its first significant academic year milestone by celebrating Plebe Weekend Friday and Saturday at West Point. The Class of 2024 cadets march on the apron in front of Washington Hall during the Plebe Review Saturday.

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    The U.S. Military Academy at West Point is segregating cadets based on whether or not they have taken the Covid-19 vaccine booster.

    This comes as West Point has ramped up its instruction of Critical Race Theory (CRT) over the last year which assumes the United States is racist and the system must be destroyed and rebuilt, a culturally Marxist ideology. Therefore, certain types of segregation seem to be okay at America's oldest service academy.

    CDMedia learned yesterday from social media posts that those cadets who have taken the booster will be able to skip morning formation for a week.

    Yesterday we contacted West Point public affairs for confirmation and the representative laughed and said she knew nothing about it (it was happening as shown below). We then provided a deadline for 4pm EST today for a response and confirmation but did not receive an official response.

    However, we did get copied on an internal email that showed they were preparing a response.

    From: Smith, Beth R LTC 

    To: Boujnida, Cheryl L 

    PAO Media Relations

    Date:Tuesday, January 25th, 2022 at 9:55 AM


    Can you please work me up a response? 

    Something like: We can confirm that the Corps of Cadets was offered a respite from morning formations for a week if they chose to receive a COVID-19 Booster shot.  As of Jan. 25th the Corps’ roughly 4,400 cadets have gotten their booster.  “After this incentive … that number increased to XX percent,” The health and XX of our cadets is our top priority….

    Thank you.

    I called West Point today on this issue, as well as alleged manipulation by DoD of vaccine injury data disclosed yesterday by Senator Johnson's roundtable discussion in Washington, D.C. We also mentioned the one million serious adverse events detailed in the VAERS system in the United States and asked what the Academy was doing to protect cadets from vaccine injuries. The Public Affairs office deflected to another office. We asked for a response on these issues by Thursday.

    CDMedia will be conducting further investigation into this matter.

    We interviewed three female cadets who were forced from West Point for not taking the vaccines late last year. You can see the interviews here.

    I will be discussing this issue further in our video series (The Fight Against Medical Tyranny) in the near future.

    West Point Segregates Cadets With Booster Shot - Boosted Get To Sleep In Through Morning Formation For A Week

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    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    Nicolas P Cignetti

    File this under stupidity gone to seed. Soon we will have no military and China or russia can jusrt walk in!!!! Take your pick!!!!


    This is NOT how you achieve and maintain Military Cohesiveness.
    The Woke have lost both their Minds and their Testicles.

    USNA 1974-2012


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