After Importing Millions Of Muslims, Germany Starts To Wake Up To Christian Persecution And Islam's Quest For Domination Of Europe
Memorial to the countless dead in the Navaly Church Bombing in Navaly, Jaffna, Sri Lanka
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Is Europe starting to open its eyes to reality? Are European leaders are starting to realize they have destroyed their very Christian culture and even their own security?

After having given up any reference to God or Christianity in their public and private, lives, Germany may be ready to admit as to what is happening regarding Christian persecution across Europe, and even the world. However, it may be too little, too late.

Germany's commissioner for religious freedom, Markus Grübel (CDU), told Die Welt newspaper that the Sri Lankan attacks were part of what appeared to be a global trend, reported DW.

"Christians are the target of radical Muslims worldwide," Grübel said, a phenomenon that he found to be "incomprehensible," given "Christianity's close relation to Islam."

Former CDU parliamentary leader Volker Kauder echoed his colleague's sentiment, denouncing "growing persecution of Christians in the entire Asian region" in an interview with Bild newspaper.

Sven Giegold, a member for the Greens in the European Parliament, shared the view that Christians' religious freedom is threatened worldwide. "Europe must emphatically stand up in the world for the right to freedom of religion," Gievold said.

According to the respected Pew Research Center, Christians are the most targeted body of believers in 144 countries, up from 128 in 2015. And there is barely a country from Saharan Africa to Pakistan where Christians worship freely without intimidation, reported The National Post.

Open Doors USA, a mission for persecuted Christians, estimates that violent attacks on the faithful doubled from 2017 to 2018, with approximately 11 Christians dying every day for their faith, reported The Washington Times.