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A suspicious plane just crashed in the Philadelphia area, moving very fast, and seemingly on fire as it went down, almost like a missile.
There are reports of identification of the aircraft based on engine nacelle markings.

Which runway did it take off from? One of the runways at PNE is # 33
The freaking Masons are starting again. They have a habit of doing that once a century. Might try for 2 this time around. I know i sound nuts. Look around!!!
Both accidents humor error.
This is a Job-like test from God. God doesn't bother with us when we're in our dead lefty cycle, but when, like 2024, we try to come back from the brink of drowning in sin, He tests our mettle to see (and indeed to show us ourselves, since He sees alright) if we're sincere or just hypocrites who've temporarily had enough of godless madness. If we hold fast to our Faith, we can still be Saved, otherwise, we're done for.