• Major Black Leaders Come Out In Support Of Voter ID, Slam 'Totally Oblivious' White Liberals

    April 18, 2021
    Americus, GA, March 8, 2007 -- FEMA Public Information Officer (PIO) Rita Egan (left) speaks with Vernon Jones Dekalb County, Ga. CEO

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    A coalition of black leaders on Friday came out strongly in support of voter ID laws, arguing that most black voters feel the same way and rebuking what they said was the "oblivious" and "opportunistic" denial of those opinions by progressive leaders. 

    The coalition — which includes U.S. Rep. Burgess Owens, former Florida Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll, former Texas state Rep. James Earl Wright, and former mayor of Cincinnati and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights Ken Blackwell — declares at RealClearPolitics that "liberal orthodoxy" dictates that "all Blacks think alike, and all Blacks support Black Lives Matter, and all Blacks oppose the recently enacted Georgia Election Integrity Act," one that in part mandates voter ID at the polls.

    Yet the writers note that a recent Rasmussen Reports poll "found that 69% of Blacks and 82% of nonwhite minorities support voter ID," while another recent poll "found that a full two-thirds of Blacks in Georgia support voter ID..."

    To read more visit Just The News.

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    every time I've seen a man in the street interview of black folks they are always incensed that white trash liberals think they are too stupid or incompetent to get ID, and I don't blame them. What a racist world view.


    I'm pretty sure if I was black, I would be insulted that my government feels I'm too stupid to get a voter ID.

    John Sullivan

    The worst racists are the bed-wetting Democrats, their flying-monkey ANTIFA & BLM Brownshirted minions, and the progressive mockingbird leg-humping mainstream media hacks who all judge a person by the color of their skin, sexual orientation or other characteristics; not by the content of their character. Even just one illegal vote taints an election because it cancels one legitimate opposition vote.

    Everyone needs some form of ID to enter a Democrat party political rally, cashing a welfare check at the liquor store, applying for food stamps and welfare, signing up for Obamacare/Medicaid/Medicare/Social Security, checking out a Dr. Seuss book from the library, purchase alcohol, purchase controlled prescription drugs, entering an airport, legally entering or leaving the country, entering some public or private facilities, purchasing a firearm, purchasing cigarettes and other tobacco products, opening a bank account, applying for a passport, applying for a mortgage or any loan, applying for college, applying for unemployment or a job, purchasing insurance, obtaining utilities, appearing in court, renting/buying a house or apartment, driving/buying/renting a car, sometimes using a credit card, getting married, adopting a pet, renting a hotel room, registering your children for public or private school, buying a cell phone, getting a fishing or hunting license, entering a “woke” corporation’s stock holders meeting, and many other activities.

    Yet the Democrats say it is too hard for someone of color to obtain ID to vote? Implying that minorities are too stupid to know how to register to vote?

    Each State should require positive ID when registering to vote and at the polls before casting a ballot. The power of registration and purging of voter rolls should be reserved only to the States. Anyone who opposes voter ID is in favor of election fraud and HR-1 currently before the House would result in government-sanctioned voter fraud.


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