We Are Fighting The Final Battle Of The Cold War And We Could Lose

As the political insanity swirls around us in America, I believe this seditious behavior we are seeing day after day from the American Left is purposeful and well-planned. The Democratic Party simply wants to bring down the American government, way of life, and her global leadership, encouraged and abetted by the globalist cabal.

This is the final battle of the Cold War. Democrats have become the American communist party. The Democratic Party is fighting the final battle of the Cold War against the United States of America.

We won the Cold War militarily, economically, and geopolitically against the evils of Marxism. However, the devious ideology simply melted away into our media, our educational system, and into the swamp of racism, which come from the identity politics of the social justice warriors of the Left. The evil has risen again and now it is among us.

Marxism feeds off creating class envy. It feeds on people becoming victims. Cultural Marxism is a stain on our nation, a cancer that is eating us alive. Lenin perfected the art of class envy that destroyed Russia, possibly forever as the Russian people struggle under the corruption manifested by seventy years of Soviet rule.

When Democrats call for open borders, when they call for massive wealth redistribution, government control of the economy, when they spread anti-American lies, they are literally calling for the destruction of America.

The American communists, as with the Russian Bolsheviks, have nothing to replace what they want to destroy. They simply want destruction of what exists and then to take power, and install tyranny over the rest of us.

During their oath of office, U.S. military members swear to defend the American Constitution against 'all enemies foreign and domestic.' If the Democratic Party is not at this point in its history a domestic enemy, I don't know what is.

Veterans have not forgotten their oath.