Obama Showed How Corrupt 'Progressive' Government Destroys America...We Can't Give Them Another Chance
Image by Donkey Hotey

If you are not scared at this point by the prospect of another Democratic Party (Communist Party) administration here in America, then you have not been watching or listening to the clown world over the last two years.

Complete denial of reality, Trump derangement, lies, medicare for all which will bankrupt the nation, open borders which will destroy the republic, illegal aliens put above American citizens, this fruit of the cultural Marxist left is what these people are openly promising. Why in the Hell would you vote for them?

Barack Hussein Obama showed us what he meant by a 'transformed' America. Islamic immigrant invasion, break down of the rule of law, complete corruption of the Federal government, destruction of military capability, an Islamic caliphate in the Middle East, the Arab Spring which saw the Muslim Brotherhood installed in Arab nations, Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon and billions in cash were all on the agenda. ...I can go on and on and on. Oh, and I forgot about Federal agencies being weaponized against the political opposition (meaning you and me).

These people are dangerous.

We cannot allow them to acquire the halls of power ever again. At least not until they develop some semblance of love for country, or even basic personal responsibility.

The Democratic Party of old is long gone. Now we are faced with a disparate group of communists all wearing one flavor or another of the victimology badge of honor. All are demanding your money and the destruction of America as we know her.

Don't be fooled. These people want to destroy our nation.

Be intellectually honest with yourself and your friends and don't vote for them.