These Mass Shootings Are Too Convenient

As we bury scores more victims of mass shootings this week, first we must acknowledge and respect the grief the victim's families are experiencing. I cannot image the pain. All we can say is we hope that somehow you find peace over time.

However, there is something very unnerving about these mass shootings in America...and it's not the obvious horrific violence. No, the unnerving characteristic is that they are all way too convenient for those on the Left, those trying to defeat President Trump, and those who want the American public to be disarmed, therefore unable to defend themselves against a tyrannical government. This comes on the heels of an attempted coup against a sitting president of the United States, and an obvious desire amongst our Leftist elites to control, control everything.

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I first felt this way after the Las Vegas shootings. We never heard anything more about the multiple women that were heard saying, "You're all going to die in 45 minutes..." In fact, we have heard nothing about the real motivation of the shooter. That simply does not make sense.

Something is being covered up, very effectively I might add.

I felt this feeling again after the Parkland school shooting. Broward County Deputy Sheriff Scot Peterson sat outside while scores of kids were executed. Three other deputies also stood outside during the killings.

The Daily Caller reported at the time regarding the Broward County Sheriff Department's Leftist political activities.

The sheriff has also faced corruption accusations: department employees routinely attended campaign events while on the clock for their taxpayer-funded positions, a Local10 investigation found in 2016.

A Sun-Sentinal investigation the same year found that the sheriff had routinely handed out taxpayer-funded jobs to political supporters. The sheriff’s response at the time: “lions don’t care about the opinions of sheep.”

This of course is not evidence of a conspiracy to commit mass shootings for political purposes, but it is very concerning.

We routinely see Islamic young men who are radicalized for their cause of political domination. Why couldn't young, rudderless American men be radicalized as well? I don't think it would be that hard to find willing vigilantes ready to commit mass murder for the communist cause.

We've also begun to see 'Deep State' warnings in military and law enforcement circles of 'white supremacy' and 'nationalist' terrorists. The legacy media is filled with this propaganda. Of course they don't mention the thousands of blacks murdered by other blacks in Chicago and elsewhere. That simply is not talked about and therefore 'not a problem' as it doesn't fit the gun control agenda narrative.

We at CD Media travel the world. Our reporters are everywhere. In former Soviet countries, and in communist China, we see the evils of totalitarianism. We see people being beaten, tortured, censored, confined to concentration camps, sliced open while still alive for their organs.

These people are unarmed.

The 2nd Amendment was not created for self-defense, although that certainly is a valid reason to be armed. No, the 2nd Amendment was created for protection against a tyrannical government.

After the Trump/Russia coup, demands for government control of the economy, open borders to let in the world's criminals, marginalization of law enforcement, demands to destroy our border patrol, of ALL of the Democratic Party candidates, is there any question that they would impose a tyrannical government?

If anything, these facts demand more support for the 2nd Amendment, not less.

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Yes, these shootings are way too convenient for the Neo-Bolshevik narrative. They support the cause for the Left to rule us all, which always leads to mass murder on a massive scale, as Mao, Stalin, Castro, Pol Pot showed us in the 20th century.