The Goal Of Obama's 'Arab Spring' Was Not Democracy, But Enabling Islamic Extremism
Protesters in Aden, Al Mansoora during the Arab Spring 2011 calling for the secession of South Yemen from the North
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“The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

Barack Obama

When looking at the disastrous legacy of the Obama administration, one has to look at the consequences, not the narratives put out by the Left. The so-called 'Arab Spring' is a perfect example. When studying the results of the series of 'revolutions', the only conclusion one can arrive at is that the goal was to remove strongman regimes that kept a check on Islamic extremism in the region. When combined with the precipitous withdrawal of all American troops from Iraq, the trend becomes clear.

Let's walk through what happened in some of the countries during the revolutions that ended with an attempt to install an Islamist regime in power.

One of the most obvious cases is Libya. After the successful removal of the Taliban from power in Afghanistan, and in the run-up to the Iraq War, long-term Libyan dictator  Muammar Gaddafi began to move faster towards the West in a bid to stay in power and push his country towards modernization. Bush seized this opportunity and the Libyan nuclear weapons program was dismantled, with Gaddafi giving up his nuclear material to the United States. Gaddafi had been slowly moving in this direction since President Reagan bombed Libya, killing members of Gaddafi's family in an airstrike. Libyan also began destroying its massive stocks of chemical weapons.

This alarmed and angered jihadist elements within the Libyan society, and throughout the Middle East.

When the Arab Spring erupted across North Africa and the Middle East a decade ago, only a couple years after Obama took power, Hillary Clinton and the Obama DOD led a coalition air campaign to remove Gaddafi from power.

The question is -- why?

Gaddafi had kept a lid on Islamic extremism in the country, destroyed its WMD, and was moving towards the West. After Gaddafi was killed, Hillary Clinton famously and creepily declared in an interview shortly after with a wide grin on her face, "We came, we saw, he died!"

The result was a failed state, and guess what -- the Islamic State gained a foothold, although they were eventually mostly defeated.

Egypt also stands out. Autocrat, and long-term American ally, Hosni Mubarak was removed from power during the uprisings in 2011. His successor, Mohamed Morsi, was a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group that advocates Sharia Law with vast jihadist connections. The group was eventually overthrown by the Egyptian military in 2013.

In Syria, the Obama administration worked hard to dethrone Syrian President Bashar Assad, arming Sunni, Islamist militias against the Shia regime.

Based on the consequences, the end result of the Arab Spring was a campaign to bring down dictatorships and replace them with an even bigger menace to American national security -- political Islam.

When you combine this phenomenon with the precipitous and irresponsible withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, which created the Islamic State and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents, and created the wave of refugees into Europe, the Obama agenda becomes radically clear.

In 2012, the Obama administration refused to send help to secure the American ambassador and CIA staff in Benghazi. The question is again -- why?

“The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”

Barack Obama