Revolutionary War Cemetery, Ridgefield, CT

...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

If there was ever an example of the reason why the Founders included the Second Amendment in the Constitution of the United States, the greatest document ever devised to protect the liberty of human beings, the current spectacle of the Democrat Marxist power grab in America is it.

There are many misconceptions about the amendment, many of which are promoted by the Left. The main misconception, or false narrative, is the amendment is meant to provide for self defense, or hunting. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although those reasons are of secondary benefit, the primary reason for the amendment's existence is to protect citizens from a tyrannical government.

If what we are seeing today is not an attempt at tyranny by the Left in this country, I don't know what is.

Minuteman Patriot (American Revolution)

We are witnessing an illegal coup against the duly-elected president of the United States, orchestrated by a Marxist Deep State, installed by Obama, in order to destroy the American founding. Trump is the only thing that stands in the way of this diabolical plot, except of course those millions of armed Americans.

Why do you think they want your guns so badly?

This is exactly what the amendment is meant to protect against.

The scenario the Democrats envision is to remove the people's choice for leadership (they never accepted that Donald Trump won the election) and then take away the ability for you to defend yourself when they install their communist, totalitarian society, just like we are seeing in China, enabled by their big tech, Deep State supporters.

Thomas Jefferson had no idea that Google and Facebook would one day rule what you could see or hear, but he could imagine another circumstance where dictatorial leaders could seize power and then impose their will on the people -- hence the Second Amendment.

We need the amendment now more than ever, not less.

Educate your children.