They're Already Planning Their Next 'Crisis' Mr. President...Come Down Hard On These People Now!
The former American head of intelligence who admitted voting communist, and his emperor

In case you haven't noticed, they don't like you Mr. President. They feel entitled to your power given to you by the American people. They are tyrants. They are communists. Communists lie, murder, cheat, steal. They want you gone so they can finish the job of destroying America the Beautiful. They want to enjoy all the American trappings of power, which have to be addictive. They want to ride again in Air Force One. They want the perks. They want the ability to read our phones again (oh wait they probably still are...).

They've been paid a lot by their Chicom masters in Beijing. The boss is getting restless. The propaganda from the politburo is being dutifully parroted by the Mainstream Media, but for some reason it is not working as well as intended. The people are still protesting the 'mandatory lockdown', meant to destroy the economy so you won't be re-elected.

They are already planning, maybe even implementing their next move. Further measures against the American people are required.

We can't help but wonder if that is why you closed the borders to immigration. What do you know that we don't? Are there spies coming in? Are there more dangers to our amazing country? What are they planning next?

An electromagnetic pulse blast? A dirty bomb in one of our cities? Another virus? Contaminated water? Take down the electrical grid? Assassination?

Nothing else has worked. You're still alive and kicking at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

I'm sure you know you are in danger, Mr. President. We feel it out here in flyover country. The evil is real. You can almost taste it, unless of course you have the Chinese coronavirus.

It's time to come down hard on them, Mr. President. We can't let the next phase of their operation be executed (we don't pardon the pun).

America may not stand the next attack. You many not make it either.

Drop the hammer, Mr. President.

This is war.