Military Tribunals Are The Answer To This Coup Attempt
Let's be honest with ourselves, America. Criminal Democrats and Leftists are killing Americans for power. There are just too many coincidences to support this conclusion and I don't believe in coincidences.
We have said repeatedly on these pages the Obama administration was nothing but highly-organized crime, a wave of seditious destruction under the guise of a presidency. What we didn't know at the time is how deep the rabbit hole goes.
These Leftist criminals care nothing about the republic. During the Obama years, they had absolute power and they used it -- all for nefarious ends -- to destroy our Constitutional freedoms and take power forever. The Flynn affair is just the tip of the iceberg. Mark my words, more evidence is coming and you will be shocked, if that is even possible. Why do you think they are fighting so hard to stop the process of justice?
Obama was just part of the plan, a cog in the criminal wheel, but he served his masters well.
The cabal saw Trump reversing their gains and decided to go all out to defeat him. 99 Leftist red balloons and all that 'resistance'.
We at CDMedia have information from deep sources that the Las Vegas shooting was the opening salvo and the beginning of the hot stage of this war -- a Leftist, terrorist massacre -- Antifa and ISIS working together. It was an attack on country music lovers -- in other words -- Trump supporters. The administration didn't think you could handle that information, so they suppressed it.
Today we have a pandemic sweeping across the world, planned, executed and organized by China and her American Deep State enablers. The same people that brought you Russiagate, impeachment hoax, Burisma, and Benghazi are behind this crisis.
Democrat politicians from mayors to governors to Nancy Pelosi are all involved to bring down the American economy, kill small business, and kill elderly Trump supporters that vote. Send the COVID-positive patients to the nursing homes! That will kill thousands! And it did.
They intend to kill freedom, kill your independence, kill your ability to make a living, and make you dependent on government. If you don't agree, they will kill you.
There is no other explanation for their behavior.
And if they win in November, just wait for the retribution, because it will be real. They will come after us, with everything they have. They won't let another Trump happen for a generation. So, they must continue to take down those that believe in freedom and dare speak the truth.
If you ever even tweeted support for our president, you will be marked, and you will pay.
Trump needs to declare martial law and rid our society of this menace; however, this would rip the nation in half. The 'normies'out there, the 'non-playable characters', can't handle this reality. So, he must win in November, fair and square. Then he can deal with the criminals effectively in the second term.
This is why they want 'vote by mail'. They have to steal the election, they have no other choice. For the criminal Left, it is now or never.
I want to make in never.
I don't want my children growing up in this dystopian future. It is evil.
Get armed and buy ammo.
Very good article and spot on correct
Leftism is a malignant tumor in the body of the republic which will eventually kill its host. If not outright then by the surgery necessary to remove it. Because what kind of people and country will we be after that next Fort Sumter moment?
[…] Let’s Be Honest…Criminal Democrats Are Killing Americans For Power […]
I agree completely this is a a concerted , and planned takedown of our Republic , the only Natio Left able to stop The New World Order Agenda 2030 World of The Euro Royal Lords gaining back their serfs and fiefdoms . but , i think Trump should Declare Martial law now , and Damn half the Nation to hell .. we need to kill them all and start over .
[…] Let’s Be Honest…Criminal Democrats Are Killing Americans For Power […]
[…] Let’s Be Honest…Criminal Democrats Are Killing Americans For Power […]
[…] Let’s Be Honest…Criminal Democrats Are Killing Americans For Power […]
[…] Let’s Be Honest…Criminal Democrats Are Killing Americans For Power […]
[…] Let’s Be Honest…Criminal Democrats Are Killing Americans For Power […]
[…] Let’s Be Honest…Criminal Democrats Are Killing Americans For Power […]
[…] Let’s Be Honest…Criminal Democrats Are Killing Americans For Power […]
[…] Let’s Be Honest…Criminal Democrats Are Killing Americans For Power […]
[…] Let’s Be Honest…Criminal Democrats Are Killing Americans For Power […]