Kamala/Obama Can't Tell Texas What To Do Outside The Constitution

Illegitimate President Kamala Doesn't Give A Damn About Boys From Kansas Dying In Iraq
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As we all know, the last election was a  “tipping point” election on many different levels. An election won with the use of illegal last-minute changes to state election laws has led to a rogue regime that threatens the very foundations of America.  This is being achieved through highly questionable executive orders, the decimation of the concept of national sovereignty and an attack on fossil fuels, the lifeblood of our economy.  Moreover, Biden is converting our military into a social justice agency and transforming our intelligence services into witch-hunters for conservatives who dared to protest a stolen election. 

More alarming is the left’s goal to make its political power permanent by granting amnesty to 20-30 million illegal aliens, granting statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico, expanding the Supreme Court, and normalizing the censorship of conservatives, not to mention the institutionalizing of election fraud, especially in key swing states.   

There is little doubt, if history is our guide, that should the left achieve permanent political  power, future elections will just become  “show” elections, our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights will be diminished, if not gutted, and our economy will become permanently stagnant as with all other socialist economies in the world.   It will be the beginning of the end of America as we know it...

To read more visit American Thinker.

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