Kamala/Obama Can't Tell Texas What To Do Outside The Constitution
![Illegitimate President Kamala Doesn't Give A Damn About Boys From Kansas Dying In Iraq](https://creativedestructionmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Screen-Shot-2021-02-17-at-5.36.59-AM.png)
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As we all know, the last election was a “tipping point” election on many different levels. An election won with the use of illegal last-minute changes to state election laws has led to a rogue regime that threatens the very foundations of America. This is being achieved through highly questionable executive orders, the decimation of the concept of national sovereignty and an attack on fossil fuels, the lifeblood of our economy. Moreover, Biden is converting our military into a social justice agency and transforming our intelligence services into witch-hunters for conservatives who dared to protest a stolen election.
More alarming is the left’s goal to make its political power permanent by granting amnesty to 20-30 million illegal aliens, granting statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico, expanding the Supreme Court, and normalizing the censorship of conservatives, not to mention the institutionalizing of election fraud, especially in key swing states.
There is little doubt, if history is our guide, that should the left achieve permanent political power, future elections will just become “show” elections, our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights will be diminished, if not gutted, and our economy will become permanently stagnant as with all other socialist economies in the world. It will be the beginning of the end of America as we know it...
To read more visit American Thinker.
And what R U going to go about it? The same thing since Daddy Bush was elected over 30 years ago. NOTHING.
Under the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution We The People give our consent to be governed -- we are the masters, the government/politicians are our servants. If the People suspect massive voter fraud in which their votes did not count they will see their “elected” representatives as illegitimate and therefore not obligated to obey any laws or pay any new taxes that they pass, especially laws that attempt to undermine the Bill of Rights. That leads to the government trying to force compliance at the point of a bayonet against the push-back of an armed and angry citizenry. It is not going to end well.
To change the US Constitution, or amend it, requires a 2/3 vote in Congress. Federal Elections are under States' jurisdiction per the Constitution. Why aren't any of the Republicans speaking out? Legislative and Executive Branches are going rogue. This principle regarding amendments to our Constitution is 5th grade Civics or Government... We know the Dem Radicals are dependent on an "ignorant of our law" electorate, but, do the Republicans think we're dumb too? Oh, and, our Judiciary has also failed the Constitution - is this tyranny or real insurrection or both?
Hey, it worked for states that wanedt to violate federal drug laws (see Colorado, Oregon, California, etc), federal immigration laws (see sanctuary cities/states), same sex "marriage", and any other leftist desires.
Powers not specifically delegated to the Federal gov, nor denied the State governments by the Constitution are deligated /left to the states, or 'we the people'. The regulation of drugs was never a power given to the Feds. Unlike the responsibility for protecting our borders, the Federal government is specifically given the duty to protect the states from invasion. Washington DC is being treasonous with its open borders come on in polies.
That's right. If it's just a court opinion or an executive order and now law, states can say, "no thanks". It's an uphill climb, though. Take gay mirage, for example. We overwhelmingly voted against it on a ballot in NC, then our RINO governor McCrory, along with his attorney general Roy Cooper (now tyrant governor) rolled over for it and allowed it in NC once the un-elected Supreme Court case decision. Same with baby murder. Roe v. Wade is a court decision, not law. Any state can say "no more" whenever they like. They just don't.
That’s right. If it’s just a court opinion or an executive order and NOT law, states can say, “no thanks”. It’s an uphill climb, though. Take gay mirage, for example. We overwhelmingly voted against it on a ballot in NC, then our RINO governor McCrory, along with his attorney general Roy Cooper (now tyrant governor) rolled over for it and allowed it in NC once the un-elected Supreme Court case decision. Same with baby murder. Roe v. Wade is a court decision, not law. Any state can say “no more” whenever they like. They just don’t.
Join the Convention of States!!!!
As long as Conservatives continue to go to their safe spaces while handing over their power to the Socialist, nothing will change. I've been yelling for several years that Democrats aren't stealing anything, Republicans have consistantly given our rights and Constitution away. Whether it's those on the Right who wring their hands crying about being afraid or those on the Right who live in the fantasy world that our Constitution will save us from Socialism, both sides of this discussion needs to wake up, actually educate themselves and grow a pair. I was one of those who was considered a Conspiracy Theorist as I wrote on Sorors and ANTIFA during the years that we could do something to stop their power. As I spoke out that we/Trump did not have the 2020 election in the bag, even giving details of the obvious plans the Left was putting in place to steal the election, it was Trump supporters who called me a traitor. This leaves us where we are today and my calling for serious boycotts and openly speaking out which has Conservatives telling me I'm awful because I expect them to put their jobs on the line. People, if Patriots such as my 2x war vet father were/are willing to lay their lives down for our freedoms and this country, we can certainly risk a job or jail time for them. We are actually at a point that it is fair to say that if one is not willing to speak out for America's Constitutional rights and freedoms, then that individual is not worthy of them.