• The Man Behind The Curtain Speaks

    June 8, 2021

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    This is the man trying to destroy our republic.

    This is the man behind the curtian.

    Barack Obama is beginning to speak out, because the walls are closing in on his corrupt totalitarian, racist dream.

    You can feel it in the air.

    MAGA is coming and they know it.

    Nothing can stop this.

    Yesterday, the man behind the green curtain, opined on the November 3rd MAGA movement to destroy his communist revolution and reclaim the republic.

    Obama said on CNN, “I think we have to worry when one of our major political parties is willing to embrace a way of thinking about our democracy that would be unrecognizable and unacceptable even five years ago or a decade ago. When you look at some of the laws that are being passed at the state legislative level where legislators are basically saying we are going to take away the certification of election process from civil servants, secretary of states, people who are just counting ballots, partisan legislatures who may or may not decide a states electoral votes should go to one person or another. And when that’s all done against the backdrop of large numbers of Republicans having been convinced wrongly that there was something fishy about the last election, we’ve got a problem," reported Breitbart.

    He continued, “I thought that there were enough guardrails institutionally that even after Trump was elected that you would have the so-called Republican establishment who would say okay, you know, it’s a problem if the White House isn’t — doesn’t seem to be concerned about Russian meddling, or it’s a problem if we have a president who is saying neo-Nazis are marching in Charlottesville, there are good people on both sides.”

    Obama added, “The degree to which we did not see that Republican establishment say hold on, time out, that’s not acceptable. That’s not who we are but rather be cowed into accepting and then finally culminating on January 6 where what originally was ‘Oh, don’t worry, this isn’t going in where. We’re just letting Trump and others vent.’, Then suddenly you now have large portions of an elected Congress going along with the falsehood.”

    He concluded, “I didn’t expect that there would be so few people who say well, well I don’t mind losing my office because this is too important. America is too important.”

    Nothing about the communist murderers in Beijing, nothing about genocide, nothing about CCP virus biological warfare.

    That's because Obama is complicit in this entire coup.

    He is the one running Joe Biden. They talk often we hear.

    Everyone knows this.

    Obama hates America. He hates the freedom America stands for.

    He is Vladimir Lenin with different pigmentation.

    He needs to be exposed for the repressive wanna-be dictator he really is, and he needs to be held accountable for his treasonous actions over the last decade.

    CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!


    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    Obama is a jihadist and traitor, we all know what he deserves.

    king baker

    This spew or BS coming from a commie that has spied on, lied and sent our dollars to terrorist is just laughable. He thinks everyone still listens to his BS. Guess what we DONT. we know full well whom the Demo's are.


    Obama=The worst excuse for a president that ever existed. Joe is obviously out to get that #1 spot


    Sadly, Obama and his ilk will never face justice. They never ever do.

    Opie Fierro

    Very true!


    I beg to disagree. Obama couldn't run a lemonade stand. He was an Empty Suit Junior Senator who, next thing you know, was suddenly the leading Dem despite Hillary having been around for 20 or 30 years, just hanging around for "her turn".

    Obama himself is a puppet, a paper-figure "made man". Except the Italian/Sicilian Mafia didn't make him. ANOTHER mafia ... tribe ... did. And still does, today, as he runs around pretending to have the intellect to address any isdue bigger than what color panties Big Mike will be wearing for him.


    I dont even like to hear this ruthless man BHObummer talk. The more he stays out of politics the better.
    You idiots blindly following Jiw Busen like he is some kind of Saint speaks volumes.
    How do you people elect one man because you hated another? How do you steal a whole election and get away with it? How do you let a 78 yo man with dementia lead this country and not call it abuse?
    How were the left allowed to totally smear and remove Donald Trump and cheat to be sure he didn't get back in? How is it that judges and lawyers and even the Supreme Court of the US not even look at this case?
    How do they lie, slander, harass, investigate, cheat, create fraud and impeach a president on lies?
    You fools are killing all God created and tearing this country to shreds while you are at it.
    I am disgusted and really wish I had the means to escape this country to anywhere else.
    This whole country needs to take a look at what has been done by the divide and hate that has been created?
    Read the Bible. Get closer to God.
    We were called to love one another, we are all supposed to be brothers and sisters in Christ.
    Charge BHO with treason and do what needs to be done.
    Let's get back to living without fear of the future. Loving one another


    I doubt Obama is the man behind the curtain - he hasn't got enough support. There is another group behind him.

    Max Dugan

    THE QUISLING President running a Vichy govt from DC. One way or another.....Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Cuomo, Widmer, Waters and and and .....THEY ALL HAVE TO GO.....BE GONNED.


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