Image by The Presidential Office of Ukraine

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Guest post by Jackie Toboroff

This isn’t a superfluous, trashy tabloid question but a serious one necessitating a real conversation here in America, and specifically radical enclaves, like ivy league universities and Manhattan private schools, rather than their preferred hormone replacement therapy round-tables, because finding Zelensky hot is a rejection of the Left’s agenda and all things woke.

In fact, it is the poll; Zelensky is the antithesis of Delaware bound Biden, come-down-with-covid Trudeau hiding from freedom truckers, and Macron who prefers fighting paper dragons like climate change. 

The American government, media, celebrities and educators have spent an inordinate amount of time and money inculcating Americans through subtle and brazen messaging, insisting that everything we know to be scientifically and empirically true regarding genders, is wrong. In minutes, Zelensky toppled that messaging.

Since the dawn of time, men hunted and women gathered. No lectures were needed when assuming traditional gender roles; implicitly understood was, we’re genetically different. Men are stronger. Women carry and bear babies and are by nature nurturers. All we need to do is look at animals that haven’t yet gone through mental massaging for a reminder of genetics and natural gender roles.

But as America has become so evolved, we have devolved. We deny common sense, nature, science, right from wrong, intuition, and truth.

We’re told men are toxic. Men should be effeminate. We have infinite genders.  Men can menstruate.  Well, men can’t menstruate.  Deal with it.

And I posit, maybe we’re in this real-time mess in America because those in government and controlling media, culture, education and medical profiteers have told the public that heterosexual women want to date a man that… menstruates.  

Women are talking about Zelensky, a man they probably couldn’t identify in a line-up until 3 days ago, because he grabbed a gun, strapped on a military vest, rolled up his sleeves, and at least appeared in the photo to defend his land, his people, his women and children.  And that is smoking hot.  We women can feel his testosterone from the Ukraine all the way to America, all the way to Manhattan, and it’s igniting our estrogen.  

There’s nothing wrong with a man who can communicate, help with the dishes, but no, he does not need to be in touch with his feminine side - I am the feminie side!  And, I submit; give me a man strong enough in his manhood so that I can be a woman. 

Jacqueline Toboroff 

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