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Many people have been at a loss as to why freedom-loving Americans, especially conservatives, are not fully on board with Ukraine. Can’t they see this for what it obviously is? – a clear-cut case of an aggressor, invading a sovereign country, without provocation? – a pure and simple case of good versus evil?


After six years of nonstop hoaxes and hysteria;

After six years of being cynically subjected to the politics of panic-porn, where everything is a potentially world-ending catastrophe, and one “unprecedented crisis” after another is breathlessly rolled out to keep people terrified and on edge;

After two years of censorship, deception, lies, manipulation of data, and suppression of information about a contagion – about its source, transmission, treatment, immunity, tests, cases, causes of death, vaccines, costs, profits, government payments, and U.S. funding and involvement in bioweapons labs;

After two years of doctors, nurses, scientists, regulators, journalists, and teachers being systematically censored, smeared, lied about, vilified, persecuted, and prosecuted;

After two years of playing the fear card, to scare people out of their wits and create mass hysteria;

After two decades of politicians cynically playing the blame-game;

After seeing politicians and elites whip the horses of hysteria and panic-porn to victory;

After seeing everything politicized, including medicine, science, education, and supposedly neutral government bureaucracies; 

After lies, propaganda, and deception about a contagion were used to control people and cripple societies around the world, destroying and ending the lives of billions;

After leaders of the freest countries in the world grabbed hold of the dictatorial reins and pulled tighter and tighter, careless of the welfare of the general public, crippling their countries, destroying and ending the lives of billions – of killing life itself;

After a ruling class installed an inhumane and evil regime that denied people their most basic human activities, while they luxuriated and lorded over their besieged peoples, like nobility, imposing rules and restrictions that applied only to their serfs;

After seeing a ruling class out-source everything (including bioweapons labs) with no regard for their countrymen’s welfare – and, instead, ravage the country with opioids, cheap labor, and hopelessness;

After the ruling class made its means, ends, and contempt for the general public quite clear;

After decades of the majority of the country being mocked, smeared, maligned, lied about, marginalized, vilified, and criminalized;

After seeing the pillaging, burning, and terrorizing of towns and cities across the country excused, enabled, and covered up;

After all manner of cartoonish Manichean dualities were constructed – of good guys and bad guys; saintly saviors versus evil demons of death and destruction; of trust in government, the authorities, and rational, enlightened “science,” versus unthinking, irrational neanderthals;

After more than six years of a thoroughgoing campaign of smears, intentional misrepresentations, lies, and demonization of a president, his family, his team, and his supporters, while others are coddled, fawned over, and deified;

After the propaganda and falsehoods became so blatant, that people, as in dictatorships, stopped believing anything the ruling elite and their propagandists said, and went further, believing the opposite to be true and having to search alternative sources, and abroad, to find out what’s happening in their own country; 

After an intensive campaign of censorship, lies, and blatant bias, to carry out and cover up cheating, manipulation, and illegalities in elections;

After seeing a demented and corrupt politician – maybe the most corrupt in the nation’s history – installed and propped up in the White House;

After seeing a war of aggression carried out against fellow citizens – targeting parents and officially labeling them terrorists; monitoring, censoring, and investigating citizens’ speech and political activity; spying on and suppressing politicians, journalists, and ordinary citizens; televised pre-dawn raids on citizens, who are then denied habeas corpus and a fair and speedy trial, held indefinitely in gulags, subjected to cruel and unusual punishment, and attacked by the government with a shock-and-awe campaign – all, to be cynically exploited for political gain;

After America meddled in Ukraine’s politics, elections, and legal system, and organized a coup in the country, to squeeze Russia – purely to use both countries as battering rams in American politics;

After Russia responded to the coup in Ukraine by invading the country (the start of the current war) and seizing and annexing Crimea, with no response from the U.S., except more corruption and exploitation of Ukraine and Russia by American politicians and their families;

After half a dozen years of rabid, non-stop “RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!” – “Russian agents,” “Russian plants,” “Russian plots,” “Russian bots,” “Russian cyberwars,” “Russian prostitutes,” “Russian disinformation” – of Russia as the centerpiece of many of the hoaxes and lies, and Ukraine at the epicenter of the “Russian collusion” fable;

After seeing politicians, bureaucrats, and propagandists cynically use Russia as a straw-man to vilify and intentionally sabotage a president and his administration, and debilitate the country;

After seeing Russia demonized (as Arabs do with Jews and Israel) and used as a scapegoat for any and all ills and evils, to divert people’s attention from internal causes and failings;

After seeing American politicians and their families use corrupt countries and dictatorships around the world, especially Ukraine, to extort and launder money;

After we abandoned our troops, friends, and allies in Afghanistan; ceded the country, our bases, and our weapons to enemies; disgraced ourselves before the world; and showed us as weak and unreliable;

After all that – after an around-the-clock carpet-bombing campaign of fear and loathing that presented fiction as fact, after all the lying, censorship, and manipulation of data, after all the suppression, destruction, and control – along comes another round of hysteria – and just when problems at home were accumulating, and internal pressure and dissent were intensifying.

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So, before Russia invaded Ukraine, the anti-Russia mono-mania looked like just another attempt to create mass hysteria – this time, to divert attention from problems and discontent at home, and to boost a failing regime’s fortunes – by generating a “rally ‘round the flag” effect, and portraying the leader as the one hope to miraculously pull us back from the brink of world war three and a global nuclear holocaust.

After half a dozen years of being lied to about everything, including the most basic things in life – all, in the service of a thoroughly corrupted ruling class (and an incompetent one, at that), a ruling class that’s in bed with the ascendant global power – Americans are hysteriad-out and justifiably very, very skeptical of anything that comes out of the ruling class and is parrotted by its propagandists.

What’s next?, they ask – what could they be unleashing on us now? – just when people’s patience was running out and they began rising up against their masters – masters who continue whipping the horses of propaganda, demonization, and hysteria – the whole team of cynical, apocalyptic horses.

And, now, in an obvious attempt to get the country behind a failing and unpopular regime – in an election year – the spin-meisters pivot from government-administered wars of internal aggression and control, to a war and bogey-man of a more-conventional variety – in an attempt (as failed states and societies have done throughout history), to divert people’s attention from troubles at home and cover up their crimes.

And you want us to get on board another of your stalking horses and be your foot soldiers and cheering section?!