• Why Won't 'Conservative Inc', RNC, Or Team Trump Talk About How Trump Will Lose In November?

    August 24, 2024

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    Last week, we saw how President Trump will lose the election for president in November...

    No one wants to see it or do anything about it...

    Shhhhh....we are busy holding rallies and parties!

    During the race for Supervisor of Elections in Pinellas County, FL, the center of the election fraud cartel (No - Florida is not free), 219,000 mail-in ballots were ordered on a Sunday, when the office was closed.

    It is not possible this action was legal. Hundreds of these people who allegedly ordered these ballots, have signed affidavits they did not do so.

    This is a felony in Florida.

    The ballots were mailed out and likely harvested for the incumbent.

    An emergency injunction was filed, and the court denied the claims.

    MAGA does not want to listen or do anything about it.

    'Conservative Inc' does not want to discuss it or do anything about it.

    The Trump campaign doesn't want to do anything about it.

    Of course, the RNC doesn't want to do anything about it.

    If nothing is done, Trump will lose.

    If corrupt election officials can illegally order hundreds of thousands of ballots, harvest them, and vote them, with no recourse, then we are done.

    Enjoy your life under kamunism, if you're not in the gulag.

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    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    Has anyone contacted Dan Bongino, he’s lives in Florida and has a large following on the radio and rumble.


    He thinks poll watchers are the answer that’s not how they’re cheating it’s these illegal ballet harvests
    . This is how they’re cheating


    I follow him and have seen him in interviews. He is screaming it from the roof tops.


    Blame it to Gov DeSantis. For the last six years he had the opportunity to cleanup FL election system. He could eliminated electronic voting machines, mail in ballot. And force hand count, same day voting, voter ID and prove of citizenship. Instead allowed his failed presidential campaign to get in bed with Dominion. That's why he never be a president


    The RINOs are on the same team as democrats and equally want Trump to lose. Everyone must post this stuff alll over social media. When they steal it again one real time too many Americans will
    See it

    Claire Potter

    If you live in Florida, send this article to the Florida attorney general and ask them to take action. They need to know people are watching the voting!

    Claire Potter

    People in Pinellas County could continue to use Titan analysis to challenge the votes from these addresses. Change has to be local, based on local pressure. Threaten the clerks with legal action if they do not follow the law.


    According to Jay Valentine in one of his posts at omega4america.substack.com, the risk of criminal prosecution once the undeliverable address operation was revealed to the clerks in Wisconsin is what saved Sen. Ron Johnson's seat in 2022. Unfortunately I think it may be too late for a counteroffensive at the local level using the detailed findings from Jay Valentine's team (even if they could get the cooperation from enough clerks in the key states). We are headed for coup d'état 2.0.


    Todd -- Are you tracking the work of Jay Valentine's team at omega4america.substack.com and omega4america.com ? You are calling out the electioneering operations that his tech team is uncovering using non-relational database tech and multiple databases to reveal all the "undeliverable" addresses where hundreds of thousands of bogus ballots created by the NGO ballot mills will be delivered, retrieved by runners, and put through the ballot counting machines. A coup d'état is in the making.

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