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Chatham County Patriots outline the election fraud they see within the internal operations of the GA Republican Party.

This video is part of the series Information Operation.

Below is provided from Chatham County Patriots

GRP = Georgia Republican Party

Sarah Thompson - GRP member, convention delegate, former Army officer, military spouse of Navy Retiree, home school mom of four.

Shannon Hall - GRP member, House District Chairwoman, multi-business owner, mom.

Chasity Pawvlik - GRP member, Chatham County Precinct Chairwoman, business owner, military spouse of an Army Veteran, mom and to-be grandmother.

According to the Chatham County Republican Party Unelected Executives, the Chatham Appellants have done 'zero' for the party and are actually Democrats on paper. This is a lie.
Here is the actual GOP Resume of the Chatham Appellants:

-volunteers with the Republican Party during 2020 election cycle

-promoted and attended countless 2020 GOP events on social media and with direct communication

-published thousands of posts and created over 1.2 million engagements for 2020 election issues on a local conservative free press social media page

-steadily monitored and investigated candidates and elected officials throughout Chatham County in a spirit of Republican accountability

-led and organized speaker teams to apply pressure to the City of Savannah and the Chatham County School Board; our team was responsible for our city property tax rollback in 2020 and the spotlighting of an extremely Marxist Superintendent

-engaged activities within conservative-leaning organizations in Chatham county

-directly trained and sent over 120 new county Chairmen and delegates to the county party during the 2021 GOP Convention Season with only 5 weeks of preparation

-groomed approximately 15 candidates to run for executive positions at the Chatham County and First District GOP conventions

-sent at least 30 newcomers to the First District and State GOP Conventions, even though we had lost our delegate positions to corrupt county leadership of our elections process

-oversaw the formation of a new Republican organization to restore the county with participation from members throughout South Georgia 

-led the formation of a vibrant committee to train County Precinct Chairmen in their GOP roles; we have held two very successful training classes to date

-organized and hosted numerous grassroots events supporting conservative ideals 

-hosted multiple American flag, Trump, and freedom rallies throughout the county

-conducted four community classes on the U.S. Constitution 

-planned and led multiple Savannah historical heritage recognition and monument defense events to dovetail critical conservative political efforts 

-planned and led two ‘running of the flag’ events on July 4 2020 & 2021 at Savannah’s historic Forsyth Park, engaging over 500 participants & potential volunteers

CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!