• Tucker Carlson Says CIA Killed Kennedy -- Government Within A Government -- All Is Fake

    December 15, 2022

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    It's a crazy time to be alive - Tucker Carlson just said on his show he has proof the CIA killed the Kennedys.

    Fox News host Tucker Carlson gives his take on a source saying the CIA was involved in JFK's assassination on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' Stanford University professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya slams Twitter's censorship of COVID-19 information on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' New York Post columnist Miranda Devine reacts to President Biden releasing more JFK files, despite over 4,000 documents that remain redacted on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' Country music singer-songwriter and RNC donor John Rich says the RNC has used and abused donations from conservatives on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

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    No doubt the dem/libs are wanting WWIII. Why? My opinion is they want to use it for implementing the NWO.


    Starting to sound a bit "anti-semetic" there Tucker

    Teresa Adams

    The CIA needs to be disbanded, completely. Never too late to correct a wrong.


    CIA involved in JFK assassination? With a little luck, I might not decide within another 60 years if the CIA could possibly have been involved with murder of the same President Kennedy that wanted to abolish them (obviously CIA-phobic).


    How much longer do our so called intelligence/security agencies think they are going to get away with "disappearing" people or giving them fatal "accidents"? Not only should they be disbanded as an agency which appears to be above the laws, but arrests should start and not stop until all of the bad actors are behind bars. Anyone who speaks out against them has reason to fear. It's going to take a President with resolve to get it done. It will not be a democrat!


    Wow. WE (JBS) knew that 60 years ago...


    The hiding of the truth of the Kennedy Assassination for 59 years and counting was done to protect the Deep State, and Intelligence community.
    Pfizer wanted over 70 years to fully disclose the research and testing results of their CoVid-19 "vaccine".
    So,... how comfortable do you feel about taking that "Vaccine" now?


    I just know that a bullet coming from the rear doesn't cause the object that is being hit, to be flung back to the rear. That's the anti-physics, nonsensical lie they've been pushing forever.


    I truly don’t understand ANY of these types of ‘documented’ crimes. Why do these agencies keep these incriminating documents? It seems all they would have to do is have one trash can fire a month and everything goes away!!!?? How would that inquiry go; congressman-‘why did you burn that document?’ Bureaucracy spook- ‘What document? Oh that was just an old menu from a pizza place!’. It would really be that simple!


    Is anyone really surprised that the CIA was involved in JFK assassination?

    It is no surprise that our government isn't concerned if we push Russia to a nuke response. Look up CoG (Continuity of Government). They already have their hidey Holes already pick out.


    Why this is on the simpleton level?

    The assassins were revealed long ago in tje declassified documemts ---- got to read those declassified documemts, boys and girls!

    This also applies to Tucker ---- wallowing in self–imposed state of obliviousness does not speak well for anyone, dude!!!

    One declassified document stated CIA agents met with assassin for hire, Jean Rene Souetr,e in Lisbon in June or July of 1963, while the CIA was also in contact with Belgian criminal and CIA contract killer, Mozes Maschkivitzan!

    A later declassified document (CIA Document #632-796, released in 1977) mentioned a CIA-generated expulsion order for Jean Souetre's deportation from Dallas, TX, on Nov. 22, 1963 ---- so 18 hours after the assassination of a US president in Dallas, INS agent Virgil Bailey picks up Souetre from a Dallas PD holding cell and places him aboard a military transport back to Europe; nothing suspicious about that?!?!

    READING IS FUNDAMENTAL ---- not reading and spouting off about it is simpleton!


    Such a stunning and brave comment...because Tucker has 3-5 minutes max of course. He has an audience of 3 million. How big is yours?

    Eli Dumitru

    I didn't know the John Birch Society was a Left Wing group.


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