• Joe Biden’s LGBTQI+ Federal Policy Wants To Spend $10 Million Of Taxpayers' Money On One Question

    November 10, 2023
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    Image by Emercado2020

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    President Joe Biden threw his and the entire weight of the U.S. federal government behind LGBTIQ+ in June 2022 when he signed an executive order on LGBTIQ+ policy, and now, the U.S. Census Bureau wants to literally spend $10 million to figure out how to ask a question on gender and sex? 

    In its fiscal year 2023 budget request to Congress, the U.S. Census Bureau has requested $10 million to study how best to word a question for the survey asking Americans about their gender identity.

    “One such emerging need of our Nation is to improve the measurement of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) population,” the budget request said. “Improving how we collect data about sexual and gender minority (SGM) populations is a critical step in producing accurate data.

    The Census Bureau proposed change in the federal register says the survey would ask about both someone’s sex “assigned at birth” as well as asking for someone’s “current gender.” That question would give the options of “Male, Female, Transgender, Nonbinary,” and “This person uses a different term” with an option to fill in the blank.

    The question would only go to respondents that are at least 15 years old.

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    In response, U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and JD Vance (R-Ohio), sent a letter to the U.S. Census Bureau Director Robert Santos demanding he rescind his agency's plan to push gender identity and sexuality questions to the American Community Survey, which is sent to more than 3.5 million Americans.

    “The Census Bureau has requested $10 million to study the best way to present such questions with the purported intent of testing out the wording, placement, and response categories to analyze the differences between “LGBTQ+ people,” reads the senators' letter. 

    “Biology determines gender, not subjective belief, and the bureau should not jeopardize the legitimacy of crucial statistical information by endorsing unscientific and untrue concepts like gender identity,” the letter further reads. “For generations, the American people have looked to the U.S. Census as an unbiased, authoritative source describing the objective reality of life in America. It is not worth sacrificing this trust to advance controversial social ideas through government surveys.”

    The Bureau’s budget request also suggests that more questions will be asked about race in the future.The federal group said in its budget request it wants to innovate “for new questions relating to sexual orientation, gender identity, and intersexuality and/or potential modifications to the race and ethnicity questions.”


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    Marty G Kirkpatrick

    This is ridiculous. Ten million to figure out HOW to ask a Q? More Marxist stupidity at OUR expense.. Just print the Q on the census if you must and quit tip toeing around the perimeter of these folks gender dysphoric feelings if it really needs to be highlighted even more. Ten million is a bitter pill to highlight their sick pretender culture. And while they're at it, why not ditch EO's altogether?


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