• Coronavirus Pandemic Select Subcommittee Moves Closer To The Covid-19 Origin Coverup To Protect Anthony Fauci

    May 16, 2024
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    Coronavirus Pandemic Select Subcommittee Moves Closer To The Covid-19 Origin Coverup To Protect Anthony Fauci
    Image by All Pro Reels

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    The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic sent a subpoena Wednesday to compel Dr. David Moreno to testify in a public congressional hearing on May 22 before Anthony Fauci’s scheduled public hearing on June 3. 

    Just like the National Institute of Health (NIH) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) officials, like Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci, wanted to create the narrative that vaccinations were the only answer to COVID-19 pandemic in order to lift the lockdowns, and worked overtime to not create vaccination hesitancy by pushing the false narrative that COVID-19 vaccinations were “safe and effective” for all, congressional investigators are slowly unraveling how many players also are working overtime to protect Anthony Fauci over the COVID-19 origins. It is of no surprise that Dr. Peter Daszak of EchoHealth Alliance is involved, as is his mentor, Dr. David Moreno, who was Fauci’s Senior Scientific Advisor at NIAID, who was put on administrative leave in 2023. 

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    Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), Chairman of the Select Subcommittee, lowered the boom Wednesday by sending the subpoena to Morens after the subcommittee uncovered evidence suggesting Morens intentionally obstructed the investigations into the origins of COVID-19.

    In June 2023, Morens tried to avoid potential Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by using his personal email instead of his NIH email, a letter from Wenstrup reads. Lawmakers have been asking if documents have been destroyed.

    After the subcommittee discovered Morens’ potential federal records violation, the NIH placed Morens on administrative leave.

    In October 2023, Wenstrup announced a subpoena for NIH records related to Morens’ potential federal records violation. NIH conducted an internal investigation into Morens’ actions but did not share its findings with Capitol Hill.

    In November 2023, EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak appeared for a transcribed interview and called Morens a “mentor.”

    In December 2023, Morens was scheduled to appear for a transcribed interview. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stepped in and prohibited Morens from answering any questions about the origins of COVID-19. 

    In January 2024, Morens appeared for a transcribed interview after Wenstrup vowed to get access to Morens’ personal email account.

    The committee’s key findings from that Moren interview included: 

    • "Dr. Morens characterized EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak as a close friend.
    • EcoHealth Alliance — an American non-profit whose mission is to prevent pandemics — used taxpayer dollars to fund dangerous gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
    • In November, the Select Subcommittee conducted a 9.5 hour transcribed interview with Dr. Daszak where he described Dr. Morens a his “mentor.”
    • Despite Dr. Fauci’s concession that the lab-leak hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory, Dr. Morens stood with 100% certainty behind the zoonotic origin of COVID-19.
    • Dr. Morens admitted he has not explored any of the scientific evidence behind a potential lab leak or an engineered virus.
    • Dr. Morens was removed from his position at the NIH and placed on administrative leave after the Select Subcommittee revealed his potential federal records violation last year.
    • Dr. Morens denied deleting any COVID-19 origins material or forwarding any federal records to his Gmail in an effort to avoid FOIA.
    • The Select Subcommittee has serious questions about the legitimacy of these claims. Chairman Wenstrup plans to receive access to Dr. Morens’s personal email account,” states the committee’s website.

    Morens transcribed interview can be read in full here

    In April 2024, Wenstrup announced the first subpoena to Morens that caused him to produce documents from his personal email related to the origins of COVID-19.

    In the transcribed January interview, Morens described Daszak as his “best-friend.” 

    In an April 2024 email obtained by the subcommittee, Daszak explains in some detail the delay tactics Morens’ team should deploy to avoid cooperating with Congressional investigators. 

    In the email Daszak says: “Each day of delay helps. They’re trying to book David [Morens] in for a public hearing between mine (May 1st) and Fauci’s (June 3rd). David’s lawyers are trying to negotiate and delay his til after Tony.” 

    The Select Subcommittee's subpoena is based upon Morens' past actions and the email in question.

    “The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (Select Subcommittee) has documents in its possession suggesting that you and your counsel are intentionally employing dilatory tactics in order to unreasonably stall your testimony until after Dr. Anthony Fauci’s hearing on June 3, 2024. This appears to be a poorly veiled attempt to protect Dr. Fauci, insulate him from the actions the Select Subcommittee is investigating, and obstruct the Select Subcommittee’s investigation. Accordingly, your actions have left us no choice but to compel your testimony,” the letter states.


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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