• Election Watch 2024-Kamala Harris' “Getting To Know Me” Media Blitz Proves She Is Joe Biden And More Than An Empty Suit

    October 9, 2024
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    “So, Does America Want To Relive Joe Biden For Another Four Years?”

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    During Kamala Harris’ “Getting To Know Me” interview tour over the last few days have proved fruitful. It demonstrates that the vice-president is shallow and no giant intellect. Most importantly, Kamala Harris has made it perfectly clear to America that she is unwilling to break with Joe Biden.

    She appeared on ABC’s “The View” Tuesday and was asked how she would be different from Joe Biden. 

    “We’re obviously two different people” and “I will bring those sensibilities to how I lead,” said Harris - whatever that means. 

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    She did not identify a single decision where she would have decided differently than that of Joe Biden. 

    “There is not a thing that comes to mind,” Harris emphatically state although poll after poll demonstrates that the direction of the country is unacceptable to Americans. 

    Donald Trump swiped at Harris in a social media post, calling it “her dumbest answer so far.”

    Then later in The View, the democratic presidential candidate stated that she would put a republican in her cabinet. 

    And the justification for that answer?

    “Because I don’t feel burdened by letting pride get in the way of a good idea" - again, whatever that means.

    After “The View,” she spoke to radio host Howard Stern and planned to tape a show with late-night comedian Stephen Colbert. 

    The trio of appearances came after Harris granted interviews to CBS’ “60 Minutes,” which aired Monday night, and Alex Cooper’s podcast “Call Her Daddy,” which was released Sunday.

    “It feels immodest to me to talk about myself,” Harris said on Stern’s show. “A friend of mine actually said, ‘Look, this is not a time to worry about modesty, because obviously you gotta let people know who you are.’”

    So, what did the candidate share as the economy is falling, hurricanes are hitting, wars are expanding, and food prices are escalating? 

    Roll that drum...

    • After Trump beat Clinton in 2016, she ate a family sized Doritos bag. 
    • She works out on an elliptical. 
    • Her first job was working in her mother’s laboratory, and she got fired.
    • She went to see U2 at the Sphere in Las Vegas, and recommends going with a “clear head” - not high on drugs. 
    • “I literally lose sleep” over the election because “the stakes are so high,” she said.

    “There are so many people in our country who are right in the middle,” Harris said. “They’re taking care of their kids and taking care of their aging parents.”

    That has been going on for generations. The word that defines that is "family."

    She criticized Trump as selfish and uninterested in helping Americans. If you watch his rallies she said, “he does not talk about what your parents need, what your children need.”

    That is a lie. As the former Spokesperson of the 1990 USA Nelson Mandela tour, it took a 20 minute call with Donald Trump who gave the tour access to one of his planes. 

    Watch this recently released Return of American Dream documentary. Trump stepped up and visited East Palestine, Ohio well before Biden and Harris officials did. 

    Near the end of Harris’ interview on the “Call Her Daddy” podcast, Cooper confronted Harris.

    Many voters are “frustrated and just exhausted with politics in general,” so “why should we trust you?”

    “You can look at my career to know what I care about," said Harris.

    The problem with that answer is Harris has had a 92% turnover rate in her vice-presidential office while in the Biden Harris administration. Unheard of and every political journalist in Washington, D.C. knows that. 

    “I care about making sure that people are entitled to and receive the freedoms that they are due,” she said. “I care about lifting people up and making sure that you are protected from harm.”

    But, what Harris never said and no journalist so far has asked her are these questions: 

    • Would you shut down Gain of Function?
    • Would you tell the American people the level of risk with 25% of SLB4 labs in America? Do you even know? 
    • Would you order the FDA to officially acknowledge the vascular and neurological covid shot injuries, which they internally have acknowledged since January 2021, but not publicly?
    • Do you regret mandated covid shots? 
    • Do you support the revolving door at FDA and PHARMA?
    • How much campaign money have you taken from PHARMA? 
    • Would you continue to put the U.S. national health sovereignty under the World Health Organization?
    • Would you repeal Corporate Transparency Act that affects 32 million small business owners. Trump vetoed it and Biden signed it. 
    • Would you continue the Predict Project that Trump shut down in 2020 during the pandemic and Biden re-opened? In your August 27, 2020 pre-rebuttal to Trump's 2020 GOP acceptance speech, you blamed Trump for shutting down Predict Project. Even those involved in Predict Project have admitted it is dangerously unregulated. 
    • Some of your supporters, including your running mate support limiting freedom of speech. Hillary Clinton and Joe Kerry think it is acceptable to even criminalize freedom of speech? Where is the line in the sand for you on this obvious bedrock U.S. Constitution question? 
    • Would you demand that TECH companies gaslight and censor Americans as they did under Biden? 
    • Do you stand for parental rights over state rights?
    • Do you believe that it is your moral duty to tell American parents and grandparents and children what the FDA knows about puberty blockers - that as of July 2022, the FDA has a black box warning on puberty blockers for the risk of blindness? 
    • How do you justify very young children being sexually educated about anal, oral and vaginal sex even before puberty?
    • Would you continue with Biden's Executive Order to throw the entire U.S. federal government behind LGBTIQ+ ideology?
    • Do you believe that pedophilia should be decriminalized and officially recognized as sexual orientation? 
    • Would you fire Rachel Levine at HHS? 
    • Would you hire a former Attorney General to run HHS during a pandemic?
    • Are you going to shut down businesses and quarantine American citizens during a pandemic? 
    • What is your definition of Freedom when you have stood for mandated vaccines along side Joe Biden? How do you square that position while demanding medical autonomy on abortion? 
    • Where do you stand on giving the pesticide industry full immunity like medical device manufacturers and PHARMA manufacturers of vaccinations?
    • Is it time to repeal immunity laws for the sake of Americans' health?
    • Would you take PHARMA ads off US Televisions and off the internet? 

    In short, Kamala Harris' "Getting To Know Me" Tour demonstrates that Kamala Harris is more than an empty suit, she is intellectually vacuous and the “Scavenger Media” proved once again that it is duplicitous. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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