• Breaking: Congress Finds Biden Admin Spent Over $900M For Covid Campaign Based Upon Flawed Information, Violated Emergency Use Act  

    October 24, 2024
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    The House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations conducted an investigation and prepared a 113-page report into the effectiveness and scientific accuracy of the Biden-Harris administration’s “We Can Do This” COVID-19 vaccine promotional campaign. It was launched by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in partnership with the Fors Marsh Group (FMG), which calls itself a full-service behavior change research and strategy firm. 

    That means FMG designs a campaign for behaviorial modification. In short, it created a plan to get citizens to conform no matter what - more like the "ends justifies the means" campaign. 

    The plan was implemented from August 2020 through June 2023 and cost Americans over $900 million dollars.

    Its purpose was to shape the public’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic to embrace vaccine shots, masking, social distancing, and getting booster vaccine shots, and make the public confident to conform to the Biden-Harris administration intended goals.  

    Let's just call this campaign what it was - a shepherd's call for the sheep to follow him as he led the herd to the cliff. 

    Fors Marsh Group used “a strategic mix of paid and earned media with exclusive radio partnerships, research-based messaging, and reinforced messaging from trusted influencers, celebrities, and sports figures.”

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    The model FMG used focused on “a person’s belief in a personal threat of an illness or disease together with a person’s belief in the effectiveness of the recommended health behavior or action will predict the likelihood the person will adopt the behavior," reads the report.  

    “Over the course of its existence, the Campaign came to serve as a critical vehicle for disseminating the Biden-Harris administration’s messaging on mask usage, social distancing, vaccine effectiveness, the risks COVID-19 posed to children, and how to reopen schools, businesses, and civil society,” further reads the report. 

    But, the overall outcomes was “a loss of public trust in HHS and its agencies, as well as consider reforms that will prevent a repeat of the same failure during potential future public health emergencies.”

    The report is a chronological examination of ads, blog posts, and other public relations material produced for the “We Can Do This” Campaign and overlays the Campaign activity with events during the Biden-Harris administration’s pandemic responses. 

    The goal of this report was to understand why the Campaign and the Biden-Harris administration’s response to the pandemic resulted in a "collapse of the public’s trust in public health messaging." 

    Much of the scientific content in the Campaign’s ad messaging was drawn from CDC recommendations, guidance, and research, critical parts of which proved to be “deeply flawed” found the committee. 

    The CDC’s errors and failures to update recommendations and guidance were reflected in the “We Can Do This” ads and promotional materials. 

    The Committee found? 

    • “CDC’s guidance, which the Campaign relied on, went beyond the terms of FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to state, without evidence, that COVID vaccines were highly effective against transmission. This ultimately had a negative impact on vaccine confidence and the CDC’s credibility when proven untrue," concluded the Committee. 
    • The CDC had inconsistent and flawed messaging about the effectiveness of masks.  
    • The CDC consistently overstated the risk of COVID-19 to children.  
    • The CDC continues to recommend COVID-19 vaccines for all Americans ages six months and older, which has made the United States a global outlier in COVID-19 policy.

    In order to avoid this colossal failure again, the Committee has recommended: 

    • Congress should consider formally authorizing the CDC and clearly define the agency’s core mission. 
    • HHS and its agencies should abide by the FDA’s product labeling guidelines. 
    • HHS and its agencies should be barred from promoting information regarding an FDA-regulated product that does not reflect the FDA-approved label. 
    • Congress should consider clarifying responsibility for evaluating the safety of vaccines and streamline existing reporting systems for capturing vaccine injuries and adverse reactions.  
    • HHS and its agencies should embrace a culture of transparency and accountability.  
    • HHS and public health officials should not attempt to silence dissenting scientific opinions.  
    • HHS and its agencies should overhaul their website archival process to mimic that of prior White House administrations.

    In short, it seems the Committee is recommending that the Biden Harris administration tells the American public the truth and stop manipulating them. 

    You can read the full report here.


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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