• We Are At The Tipping Point For New Media And Social Media Alternatives To Big Tech

    March 9, 2020
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    We Are At The Tipping Point For New Media And Social Media Alternatives To Big Tech
    Anti-Censorship cartoon in The Film Mercury magazine circa 1926

    Coming off the Conservative Political Action Conference (and hopefully not getting infected with the WuFlu), we were struck that at last the conservative community is taking censorship by big tech and the legacy media seriously. In past conferences, the community almost wanted to ignore the censorship against anyone 'not progressive' enough for the cultural Marxists. The smell of 'Never Trump' still wafted through Establishment circles. Many didn't want to seem 'alt right' for complaining about the deadly epidemic of media corruption.

    No more. We at CD Media feel America is at the 'tipping point' for social media and America First media alternatives.

    Twitter competitor Parler was given prominence at the convention, highlighted by Matt Schlapp in person in the big hall.

    A plethora of new media occupied 'broadcast row' at CPAC. #CDMedia was among them, having a full time booth this year, interviewing scores of celebrities.

    Gab is making huge inroads in free speech alternative social media technology.


    We are tired of seeing the biased legacy market and business news providers bash America and our duly-elected president. Does anyone really think Bloomberg News is a fair and balanced media entity?

    CD Media is committed to providing an alternative.

    We believe the world needs a pro-American, pro-free market, pro-truth news service where patriots can go to get real news, not spin doctored by the globalist leadership.

    We need your help however, please consider donating something small to help us put more reporters in the field.

    We'll do our part, we promise.



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    CDM Staff

    The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."
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