Image: YouTube

The coalition of parties that oppose President Trump have taken their fight too far. Trump has proven time and again that the slings and arrows aimed at him are ineffective. But when his opponents begin to harm innocent Americans in an attempt to defeat the president, the time has come for serious retribution.

In a study performed by the Veterans Health Administration (VA), the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (Z-pak) to treat COVID-19 was deemed not only ineffective, but associated with a higher fatality rate. The study contradicts several other studies on the controversial subject.

Image: YouTube

To understand why the VA study is not only deeply flawed, but agenda-driven and perhaps criminal, we must look at it closely. A few facts:

  • Patients did NOT receive zinc, the element that disrupts coronavirus activity in infected cells.
  • The study has not been peer-reviewed.
  • The drug combination was administered to 368 patients.
  • HCQ-treated patients were predominantly elderly black male veterans with comorbidities (other chronic, fatal diseases). The control group was composed of less compromised patients.
  • The comorbidities included heart disease, asthma, liver disease, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and cancer.
  • The study's author, S. Scott Sutton, specifically states that the study is not a clinical trial.
  • Sutton has been paid to author three studies for Gilead Pharmaceuticals, maker of remdesivir, a drug in trials to treat COVID-19.
  • Gilead's stock price has gone up significantly since February, when remdesivir was identified as a potential treatment.

Put bluntly, hundreds of mostly elderly black veterans were used to test HCQ + Z-pak without zinc, the crucial catalyst for a successful treatment. Further, the study's author is compromised by his association with Gilead, the same pharmaceutical corporation that stands to reap great profits if HCQ is shown to be ineffective.

The sticking point? We know HCQ + Z-pak + zinc to be effective, with a cure rate of well over 90% if patients are treated in early onset. Renowned virologist Didier Raoult, MD has demonstrated this in three separate studies, the most recent on a much larger sample size than the VA study, with 1,017 patients.

Crucially, the drug regimen is most effective if administered early in the disease cycle, not when a patient is already in the ICU. The stunning results of doing so have been famously demonstrated by Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko of Monroe, New York.

Dr. Zelenko updated his results a week ago and provided a treatment protocol for other doctors to use. He has successfully treated over 700 patients with coronavirus. If Sutton, the VA study author, had given the work of Zelenko or Raoult even a cursory look, he would have known that zinc is necessary for successful treatment.

Instead, Sutton proceeded to treat his veteran patients, already in the latter stages of the disease and riddled with comorbidities--with only two of the three necessary drugs.

What's this from 2018? The VA study author was paid by Gilead a number of times for research.

We've seen this kind of malpractice before. This month, a Brazilian study on chloroquine's effectiveness was halted because 11 patients died, seven from a "high-dosage" group and four from the "low dosage" group. The press was breathless: not only does it not cure patients-- it kills them!

What reporters failed to understand or convey was that even the "low" dosage administered to patients was several times the amount prescribed by doctors such as Raoult and Zelenko. The "low" dosage was 450mg twice a day, and the high dosage was 600mg twice a day. In contrast, the dosage given by Zelenko is 200mg twice a day.

That's 900 or 1,200 milligrams per day vs. the proven, effective daily dosage of 400 milligrams. It's a reasonable conclusion that the Brazilian study was botched deliberately. Intentional overdose. Why?

Chloroquine has been used widely for over 50 years. The FDA has approved its use to fight COVID-19. We know a lot about the drug. And as with almost anything--including water--too much of it can be fatal.

Look to the Mayo Clinic's dosage advice for the use of chloroquine when treating malaria: prophylactically (i.e., for prevention)--500mg once weekly. For treatment of malaria, 1,000mg daily for one day, then 500mg daily for two days. That's it. 3 days of treatment for malaria. The dosages for diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are significantly less.

Same when treating a liver infected by protozoa, a particularly intractable condition: 1,000mg daily for two days, then reduced to 500mg daily. The point is, no sane doctor would administer 900mg, let alone 1,200mg daily for 10 days, as the Brazilian researchers did.

Worse, the Brazilian and VA studies are part of a pattern of deception. As CDMedia reported on March 27, the first such bogus study was from China, and the media outlet that irresponsibly hyped it? None other than, and of course Mike Bloomberg was fresh from folding his failed billion-dollar presidential campaign in humiliating fashion at the time.

From the previous CDMedia article on the bogus Chinese study:

Look at the headline: “Malaria Drug Chloroquine No Better Than Regular Coronavirus Care, Study Finds”. This is Fake News, folks. The study that didn’t find chloroquine treatment was “statistically significant”? It involved 30 patients, half of whom were given standard treatment. We have no idea how much of the drug was used in the Chinese study, the duration, or if azithromycin was paired with it.

The report on the Chinese study is comical. No discernible data. Further, it’s mostly written in Chinese.

I’d sooner trust a fortune cookie.

What's more, the Chinese study didn't include zinc either. It's a pattern of media manipulation: bad science in, useful story out.

If you still doubt the global push to delegitimize HCQ is real, look no further than the precise coordination of the narrative within mainstream media. The images in the tweet below came from all the usual sources, at the same late hour of last night, and used identical language. Another example of the inextricability of the globalist agenda from mass media.

Rep. Adam Schiff's claim of seeing "early results" after several month's worth of larger, peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated the opposite outcome is sad. That he chooses to beat the drum for this small, observational, unreviewed study epitomizes the swamp. Big pharma profits are more important than saving lives. Dunking on a political rival is worth trashing a cure.

These people are sick, all right. And they don't care about saving their constituents unless they themselves benefit.

The sad, ugly truths about the swamp continue to come to light. The VA's awful betrayal of veterans comes on the heels of news that the U.S. National Institute of Health granted $3.7 million to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to study viruses in bats. Yes, the very same laboratory long suspected by CDMedia of being the source of the virus outbreak (even some mainstream media outlets admit as much now).

And just today, Mike Bloomberg announced that he'll be heading a "testing and tracing" program for Chinese coronavirus in New York. Forgive me if I pass on Bloomberg-funded globo-scientists getting anywhere near me with a probe, swab or needle.