Leftist Media Obviously Being Paid By China

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what is going on in the American media -- they are controlled, and probably paid, by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or their globalist enablers.

America be warned...the CCP is deciding what you see and hear.

They don't even try to hide it anymore.

We finally have an American president that is standing up for the American people and U.S. national security. This obviously doesn't sit well with Beijing. However, it is shocking just how much the CCP has infiltrated our press in the West.

A barrage of articles were released from the Leftist media after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's recent speech on the Trump administration's policy towards the Middle Kingdom. Essentially, Trump wants the CCP significantly weakened, and wants the West to wake up to what is actually going on.

Beijing has gone all in with all guns blazing across our corrupt press to counter this development.

Leftist Media Obviously Being Paid By China

The Leftist think tanks in D.C. are also getting in on the propaganda act. The Atlantic Council was instrumental in the impeachment process against President Trump, so it is not surprising they are in the tank for Beijing as well.

Leftist Media Obviously Being Paid By China

Painting proponents of the Trump administration's policy towards Beijing as ignorant gibberish from a bunch of uneducated rubes is part of the CCP's strategy.

Leftist Media Obviously Being Paid By China

Don't believe us? Just take a drive around the Leftist media playground and take a look for yourself. It's all CCP propaganda.

It is now very easy to see who are foreign agents for the Chicom murderers in Beijing.

When combined with the direct attacks on free speech by the big-tech social media companies, who only want you to hear things that will help get Biden elected president, we are truly in dangerous territory as the election approaches in November.

Leftist Media Obviously Being Paid By China

Question is -- why hasn't the GOP-controlled Congress done anything about this? I guess they are being paid by Beijing as well.

Thank God for CDMedia.