Authenticity Abounds...What You Always Feared Was True, Really Is True
Being a USAF Academy grad, former special operator, and military officer myself, this book touched a nerve. I have had many colleagues come to me from inside the U.S. military, security agencies, or diplomatic corp, asking how they could fight the 'Deep State' that seemed so entrenched in their lives, leeching the life blood of the Founders out of our beloved republic.
It has been so obvious that Obama purged the 'war fighters' from the American armed forces, promoting instead a group of cucked 'yes men' who would say anything or do anything to please their Deep State masters, to make rank, get a higher paycheck and prestige, and eventually exit through the revolving door into the intelligence, defense industry contracting, NGO cabal where the seditious monsters lie in wait to plot against our President in Washington.
To find examples of this type of self-serving animal, all you have to do is look to the bevy of senior defense officials cow-towing to the cultural Marxist line, even publicly contradicting the Commander-in-Chief, to know who I am talking about.
Rich Higgins spent 25 years fighting this traitorous movement, and has lived to tell the story. It is fascinating, revealing, disturbing, and a call to arms for patriots.
If you want a great entertaining (though quick) read....get 'The Memo'.
If you are connected to the U.S. government and want to fight back against what is killing our nation...get 'The Memo'.
If you are truly concerned for America and love our great country...get 'The Memo'.
Sounds like a must read. Another good one is Charm of Favor, a fiction piece by Brooks Agnew. It shows how corrupted the Pentagon has become.