Sorry, But Things Are Not Going Back To Pre-Election Peace In GOP

Image by Gage Skidmore

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The Establishment GOP betrayed the party, betrayed the American people, betrayed the Deplorables...betrayed our children, all for thirty pieces of silver. Now they want to forget it ever happened, have you donate, have you work for their campaigns. Group hugs all around.

The Establishment spin machine is in full gear, especially for the former Vice President in a recent meeting with lawmakers.

“He spoke very favorably about his relationship with President Trump,” Rep. Jim Banks said of the meeting. “I got the sense they speak often and maintain the same personal friendship and relationship now that they have for four years," wrote the Washington Examiner.

What a load of cow dung.

Not so fast Mike.

You need to realize something. Your political future is over. Enjoy whatever you received for destroying the country, as you will need it. We're done paying your salary. Our children are going to live in a police state because of you. Take your false Christianity and shove it where the sun don't shine.

Senator Lindsey Graham is another carpet bagger spending time a Mar-a-Lago.

According to a person familiar with his plans, Graham plans to spend his time on the golf course with Trump -- ideally convincing the former president that regaining congressional majorities for Republicans will help bolster his own presidential legacy. This person said Graham wants to be "constructive," urging Trump to use his influence for the party's good. wrote CNN.

Lindsey, the cavalry is not coming for you, it's coming for Trump in 2024.

Kevin McCarthy is also on the Underground Trump railroad, looking for favors from the legitimately-elected President of the United States.

Despite political pressure from some in the GOP that the party must move on from Trump, McCarthy is eyeing what will win him back the House and possibly catapult him to the speakership, added CNN.

Do these people really think the base will vote for them? Do they really thing the Deplorables will send them money, show up at the polls? Do they really think they will work for their campaigns?

Or, do they think every election will be stolen so it just doesn't matter what the Deplorables think and do anymore?

In any event, it's disgusting to watch. But, very instructive as to their real character.

No shame at all. That's the characteristic of a sociopath.

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