GA State Election Board Drinks Dominion Kool-Aid...Fatally Flawed Hand Count Audit Did NOT Prove Voting System Accurate...Here’s Why
Image by Chris Favero

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Secretary of State (SOS) Brad Raffensperger invited Dominion CEO John Poulos to speak at the State Election Board (SEB) meeting today in an effort to justify the performance of their expensive, unverifiable voting system that accumulates votes hidden in QR codes voters cannot read. Ironically, Poulos said his company was a victim of “disinformation” while being quick to falsely claim that his Ballot Marking Device (BMD) system produces a “voter verified paper ballot”. If any of our readers know a voter who can verify the content of QR codes produced by the Dominion BMDs please let us know. Testimony in the Curling v. Raffensperger case against Georgia’s Dominion voting system indicates Dominion QR data is encoded but not encrypted. That means it is hackable by outside sources but the voter cannot interpret it even with a QR code reader. It is the worst of both worlds.

Mr. Poulos repeated the common talking point that “nearly 5 million paper ballots were counted three times in the state of Georgia”. That claim is cleverly misleading because:

  • The original Georgia count was derived by accumulating hidden votes in the QR codes on the ballots produced by the BMDs;
  • The machine recount simply rescanned the same QR codes and reprinted the previous unverifiable results;
  • The hand count audit was too horribly flawed to verify the count of any voting system as we will explain.

Poulos continually claimed his Democracy Suite 5.5 system was proven to be accurate in the November 3rd election by the hand count audit that the state conducted for all ballots 10 days later. This might have been true had the hand count audit not been compromised with three fatal flaws in key Georgia counties. A sworn affidavit from VoterGA’s election integrity expert, Garland Favorito, who served as an audit monitor, recount monitor, State Farm Arena observer, Fulton tabulation observer and monitor coordinator, explains how the SOS and key counties subverted an otherwise beneficial audit:

  • Counties were not required to have a member of each party or campaign present to verify the hand counts for each batch of ballots at each table;
  • Key counties like Fulton and DeKalb did not allow monitoring of the data entry upload point for the hand count tally sheets so there is no guarantee that the results written on the sheets were actually entered into the “ARLO” recording system;
  • The SOS made counties enter their audit data into the SOS “ARLO” system and most did not retain their own county audit results thus breaking the chain of custody for the audit data, making audit results vulnerable to manipulation and forcing the counties to rely on the SOS system to tell them what their audit results are.

Despite the fatal flaws, Poulos told the board: “To say that there is an abundance of evidence supporting the fact there was an accurate tally of ballots is an understatement”. But it gets worse. The published SOS batch data indicates the voting system reported hundreds of thousands of votes for which there are no batch tally sheets for the summary results published on the SOS Risk Limiting Audit page. 

  • In Cobb County alone, the Dominion system recorded over 250,000 Presidential votes that have no supporting batch tally sheets according to the SOS published audit results
  • In Fulton County, the Dominion system recorded nearly 200,000 Presidential votes that have no supporting batch tally sheets
  • Statewide, the system recorded nearly 400,000 duplicate Presidential votes from ballots that appear to be scanned multiple times because the system has no way to prevent double scanning

Any of these discrepancies is enough to reverse the outcome of the Presidential race that was decided by 11,779 votes. Despite major discrepancies such as these that place into question roughly 1 million of the nearly 5 million Georgia votes cast, Secretary Raffensperger elected to certify the Dominion results!

On matters of security, Mr. Polous suggested that board members ask Georgia county election officials.

He explained that back end county election management systems are “air gapped”, while the board seemed clueless to recognize how wireless connectivity that makes the system vulnerable to foreign and domestic interference is also “air gapped”.  When asked about whether the Dominion system could receive a remote update, Mr. Poulos cleverly answered that the precinct machines are not connected to the internet but he avoided informing the board of whether or not the county election management systems were delivered with wireless connectivity. 

Of course, informed members of the public had no opportunity to educate the board members since Secretary Raffensperger became the first Secretary in over 15 years to eliminate public comments from SEB meetings.

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