The Causes And Costs of Illegal Immigration: A Report By Dr. Peter Navarro
Layers of Concertina are added to existing barrier infrastructure along the U.S. - Mexico border near Nogales, AZ, February 4, 2019

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Illegal migration has vexed the United States for decades. Donald Trump prevailed in 2016 largely on a promise to finally confront this massive threat to America’s sovereignty and prosperity. His first term accomplishments proved the efficacy of smart, tough policies regarding immigration and border defense. But with a Biden presidency, powerful interests align to roll back the Trump progress and regress to an era of porous borders and nearly open-ended migration into America. Such a retreat will reward big business seeking cheap labor and the Democratic party luring new constituents. But a massive new inflow of migrants, both legal and illegal, will bring grave harm to working class Americans, lowering wages, inflicting gigantic costs upon taxpayers, and jeopardizing US national security.

Download the full report below!

The Causes and Costs of Illegal Immigration
through the United States’ Southwest Border
A Report by Dr. Peter Navarro
February 2020

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