• Cuba: Thousands Nationwide Take Streets Against Communism

    July 12, 2021
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    Thousands of Cubans in at least 16 cities took the streets peacefully on Sunday to demand an end to the 62-year-old communist regime, chanting “freedom,” wearing American flags, and in many cases facing extreme police repression.

    Videos from throughout the island show both plain-clothed and uniformed state security officers attacking peaceful protesters. In Havana, bystanders recorded the sound of heavy gunfire and public beatings of dissidents. Miguel Díaz-Canel, the “president” appointed by Raúl Castro to be the face of the still-ruling Castro Communist Party, called for street” combat” against anyone demanding an end to the regime in a speech on Sunday.

    The protests appeared to begin in the town of San Antonio de los Baños, western Cuba, on Sunday morning. Local independent outlets documented chants of “down with communism!”, “they [the regime] must leave,” and “fuck Díaz-Canel!”, among other anti-government statements. Locals livestreamed the protest on Facebook, triggering an outpouring into the streets of at least 16 major cities including both Havana and Santiago de Cuba, on opposite ends of the island...

    To read more visit Breitbart.

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    Max Dugan

    kennedy and the dems stiffed cuba once, and they will do it again.

    Max Dugan

    oh, and by the way, the chinese want Taiwan so badly that they will make it appear as though this revolution was instigated by America and will use it as an excuse to militarily attack Taiwan. Hence, Japan's promise to protect Taiwan, because they know they are next. Besides, it will be easy enough to take Cuba back after the smoke clears.....arrest, try, and xecute joe biden, nancy pelosi, kamilla Harris, and chucky the weasel schumer. Have a nice day.


    lol...and this idiot generation here wants to enslave themselves ......how funny


    The bidenfail character will never assist the Cuban citizenry and neither does he support Americans while instilling his vile socialism-communism policies and backward doctrines. The drooling and underhanded slob is interested only in votes, not people.

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