• USAFA Superintendent General Richard Clark Acts Like One Of The Guys As He Implements Marxist Instruction, Destroying The Academy

    October 12, 2021
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    The United States Air Force Academy Class of 1986 held its 35 year reunion recently. The current Superintendent of the Academy is Lt General Richard Clark, who is an '86 grad. Clark is featured lying next to his squadron patch from his Academy days in the above photo.

    Clark wants to be one of the guys; but, he's currently implementing Marxist instruction at USAFA, which is destroying the institution and aiding and abetting our enemies.

    Below is recent feedback we received from the mother of a current cadet at Air Force. Below that is a video of propaganda incoming cadets were forced to consume upon entering our beloved Air Force Academy.

    Critical Race Theory is right from The Communist Manifesto. It is Marxist instruction intended to divide and conquer. It is meant to destroy what is good and build hate instead. It is racist. It is evil. It is aiding and abetting our enemies - mainly the Chinese Communist Party to weaken our defenses and society. The tactics being used are the same Chairman Mao used during the Cultural Revolution.

    You be the judge whether General Richard Clark should be allowed to be 'one of the guys'.


    I'm XXXXXX. My son is in his first year at the US Air Force Academy. I've seen information that CRT is supposedly not being taught at the academy, even though a Political Science teacher came out saying that she was indeed using CRT material.

    I'd like to submit information to which my son is being subjected in his English class that demonstrates that his teacher is pushing CRT.

    I'll mention a few of the sources that concern me and tell a bit about them. (There are still many other articles, etc. that I am exploring.)

    The Mask You Live In is a video written, directed and produced by Jennifer Newsom, wife of Governor Gavin Newsom of California. 

    My son was telling me about his English paper. Of the multiple topics from which he could choose, he picked one on masculinity, but he found the subject matter was not what he was expecting. He commented, "you know, how all men are violent...". This comment is what began my investigation and gave me opportunity to alert my son to this lie.

    When reading reviews I saw comments such as, "anti-male nonsense disguised as concern"; "Anti-male, anti-human, anti-science, anti-face, anti-biology, abusive, corrosive, post-modernist, utter bull Marxist feminism."

    (I did not watch the video because the link he gave me would not permit it without going through a university. I've just discovered it's availability in other sources.)

    Who Invented Whiteness by Gregory Jay 

    Last week he was asked to summarize this article.

    I read it. In my opinion, it puts guilt on those who are white and expresses white supremacy. 

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    The Seagull Book of Stories/4th edition by Joseph Kelly

    My son sent his syllabus and told me that many of his assignments are from this book. I've ordered the book, but have not received it yet.

    Someone who reviewed the book on Amazon said, "be aware some stories are so explicit as to be considered pornography. Why that should be part of school reading is beyond me."

    (Not CRT indicative, but we are a Christian family and I hate that my son could be subjected to such trash, all in the name of higher education.)

    The author, Joseph Kelly, has also written books revealing "new history". (1619 Project?)

    Marooned: Jamestown, Shipwreck and  New History of America's Origin

    America's Longest Siege: Charleston, Slavery, and the Slow March Toward Civil War... as well as other books.

    I will do you a favor and stop giving examples. Please do what you can to stop our military academies from brain washing our up and coming military leaders.

    At this point, I'd rather you not publicly give my name or my son's, because it could bring repercussions to him. He is also trying to get out of the required covid vaccine since he has antibodies and that's coming to a head this week for him. IF he ends up leaving the academy, I'm certainly happy to go public.

     Thank you,




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    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    William Flyer

    His last day of work is 20 January 2025.


    What the hell? How about we go by the Golden Rule! "Treat others as you'd have them treat you!". AND WHAT ABOUT THIS THIN-SKINNESS? GOOD GOD, I'd have no problem if some said "You don't look Polish" and I'd say "Yeah, it's my husband's name, I'm married. NO ONE IN THE CURRENT WOKE GENERATION COULD SETTLE THE WEST, STOP THE NAZIS AND IMPERIAL JAPAN, FIGHT THE COLD WAR AND THE USSR, ETC. And here's a clue: don't pressure anyone, if they say no, respect their no. Also, speak up for yourself. These "adults" are like 12 year old's in their maturity (or rather lack thereof). I blame it on the parentless home - everyone is working the almighty dollar and the kids are raising themselves! AND THE TRUTH IS THAT BLACK LIVES ARE NOT 'ON FIRE' WHEN IT COMES TO POLICE KILLINGS!! They are on fire when it comes to DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS SCREWING THEM OVER IN THE INNER CITIES WHERE A MAJORITY OF THEM LIVE! Dems have controlled and run these areas for DECADES and some for half a century or more! AND plenty of money has been spent (22 trillion dollars over the last 60 years on all social programs)so that is not the problem. Dem corruption and misuse of funds and their terrible policies is the problem!


    c/o Soviet Valley


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