• Ghislaine Maxwell’s Conviction Hangs On A Juror For Possible Mistrial

    March 8, 2022

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    Juror No. 50, who served on Ghislaine Maxwell’s jury, which decided her December 29 guilty verdict on five of six counts for sex trafficking of a minor, appeared in court on March 8. He pleaded the Fifth Amendment. 

    Judge Alison J. Nathan, who presided over Maxwell's criminal case, granted Juror No. 50 immunity, but not if he committed perjury, and instructed him to answer “truthfully.” 

    Juror No. 50 admitted in court he was a victim of childhood sexual abuse and admitted to sharing that information with his fellow jurors during Maxwell's jury deliberations. 

    Following the verdict, Juror No. 50 also shared that information publicly in an interview. When that revelation became known, Maxwell’s attorney jumped on whether Juror No. 50 answered the potential juror questionnaire truthfully. It included a question if any of the potential jurors were victims of sex abuse or had family or friends who were victims of sex abuse. 

    Juror No. 50 answered, “No,” on the questionnaire.  

    “Is ′no′ an accurate answer to that question?” Nathan asked Juror No. 50.

    “No, it is not,” Juror No. 50 replied and said the accurate answer is “yes.”

    Juror No. 50 repeatedly cited the reasons for his incorrect answer.

    First, he claimed he was distracted while filling out the questionnaire in November before he was selected for jury duty.

    “At this point, I was super distracted,” Juror No. 50 said and described how he was sitting at the table where other potential jurors were putting their completed paperwork and asking questions.

    Second, he felt rushed. 

    “I felt rushed only because of all the commotion going on in front of me,” he said.

    And, he was impressed by the “sheer volume” of potential jurors.

    “I never thought I’d be one of the 12,” he said.

    The third reason was that he did not consider himself a victim and overlooked the different boxes on the form that included - “self” and “family and friends.” 

    Juror No. 50 admitted that he was remorseful calling it “one of the biggest mistakes I ever made in my life,” and that he did not intend to give false information.  

    “I skimmed. I didn’t read everything,” he said and described the questionnaire as “a pretty thick packet.”

    Juror No. 50 also said several times that he was capable of being a fair and impartial juror.

    Judge Nathan ruled that both sets of attorneys have until March 15 to file briefs regarding these revelations. 

    It is expected that Maxwell’s attorney will file for a mistrial. 

    CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!  


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    Didn't they decide to stop at Maxwell, anyway? I mean, they found her guilty of smuggling girls...but they decided they didn't want to go up the ladder and find out to whom she was delivering them? I mean, besides Ep. They got her and we were supposed to be happy with that because the folks she was procuring girls for are way too big and important to prosecute. Sad.

    Marshall Gill

    She was convicted in the court of public opinion, what more does one need?

    A A Ron

    Ok, so is this a mis trial, or was this planned, so they can say, we tried her, she's innocent, and everyone goes about their day, and a year or two down the road, this will be all forgotten as the newest version of candy crush hits the free download section of the apple store.

    Madam DeFarge

    Teachers are allowed to do what this women was convicted of. In fact teachers are complaining in Florida that they will no longer be able to groom kindergartens anymore. Must be a bunch of pedos in teaching and working at our public schools.


    That 'juror' is likely a plant installed by polluted others who don't want that black book exposed with their names logged in. There are numerous others aside from Joe Biden, both Clintons, Obama, both Gates, Clinton pal and author James Patterson, Schumer and the rest.

    Jerru Suh

    LUKz lYk dae BIDen4TYmE!

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