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We almost never single out individual politicians or policies for scorn - we are just dispassionate analysts. But at this point, we caution you that Volodymyr Zelensky, the purported leader of Ukraine, should be given zero credence.  He is a grifter and is constantly spewing misinformation. And it’s getting tens of thousands of innocent people killed.  

Despite the hosannas in the press, a look at his track record reveals a real ugly side. He is a puppet of a few Ukrainian oligarchs and the Western elite. Continued media coverage can cover this over for only so long, and so we urge you to greet his public proclamations with intense skepticism. The war will go on as long as he in power, because he has every financial incentive to continue the war. Unless he can get his ‘reconstruction package’ approved, in which case he would probably pivot to peace. In the mean time, he and his administration will steal or pillage everything they can. A corruption scandal that broke out recently is a nice revelation to the public of how things really work, or don’t work, in Ukraine.

Now it looks likely the defense minister himself will have to resign, and there is chaos in the rest of the cabinet. The more aid that comes in, with little external vetting, the more that scandals like this will continue to pop up. 

Here are just a few of the massive red flags around Zelensky and the regime, contrary to the mainstream narrative of a brave champion of democracy resisting Russian aggression. 

  1. This ‘champion of democracy’ has banned political opposition: (Axios)

Ukraine plans to ban 11 political parties with ties to Russia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced in a video released via Telegram on Sunday.

Driving the news: "Any activity of politicians aimed at splitting or collaborating will not succeed," Zelensky said.

The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine decided to ban the activity of Opposition Party — For Life, Shariy Party, Nashi, Opposition Bloc, Left Opposition, Union of Left Forces, State, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialists Party and Volodymyr Saldo Bloc, Zelensky said.

  1. He owned a range of undeclared companies and offshore assets, with money received from oligarchs. Much of these he later transferred to political allies. Much of these assets were tied up with convicted billionaire oligarch Igor Kolomoisky:, so corrupt that he has been banned from multiple countries and has arrest warrants in the USA: 

But, first let's rewind the tape: For this is a story about the actor and head of Studio Kvartal 95, who played the president in the series and won in real life. Volodymyr Zelensky's successful show business career was created in Ukraine through a hidden financial network of offshore companies.

Nine years ago, the popular Kvartal 95 goes to TV channel 1+1. Their shows and programs are hits on the channel owned by Igor Kolomoisky, who will later support Zelensky and the team not only as entertainers but also as politicians. Today, Kolomoisky is a person of interest in investigations in Ukraine, Britain, and the United States.

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According to the Pandora Papers, millions from Kolomoisky went not only to the accounts of Ukrainian companies close to Zelensky and his associates. The money also went where there was warm weather and lower taxes. That year, when Kvartal began to cooperate with the oligarch, key people of the company registered several companies on distant islands. The network was assisted by the offshore registrar Fidelity and Ukrainian lawyer Yurii Azarov, whose signature is on all key documents.

  1. He has turned down multiple peace deals, including one pre-war in February, and another cease fire in April. Why? Macron had a peace deal negotiated with Putin in February, which Zelensky turned down.The deal would essentially have formalized the 2014 Mink agreement with a couple of modifications. Zelensky said no. 

After seeing how Ukraine got wrecked in one week in Crimea in 2014, and the mass of Russian troops on his border, he had to have known he was signing up for a long, nasty war.

"Macron wanted to see results in mediation between us ... and suggested to me certain things related to concessions on our sovereignty in order to help Putin save his face,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told an Italian media outlet, according to a Ukrainian media translation of his remarks. “We are not ready to help someone to save something and lose our territories for it.”

In April of 2022, Zelensky and Putin had negotiated a cease-fire, but Boris Johnson got involved and convinced him to not take the deal. Why? 

Now, the US and Zelensky have reached the point of no negotiation with  Russia without regime change. Surely this will lead to unnecessary deaths, as Putin is going nowhere and has repeatedly offered to have (realistic) talks. During a news conference around his Congressional speech, he lied, claiming “ President Vladimir Putin had “no intention of stopping this cruel war.” Putin on Christmas Day reiterated his desire for peace talks. 

So who does Zelensky work for? What is his real agenda? With 150k roughly dead soldiers and civilians in a year, what can be so important that it prevents him from declaring a cease fire and talking things over? 

  1. His narrative makes no sense. He claims to be fighting the evil expansive Russian Empire led by Darth Putin. He claims to represent a sovereign Ukraine. He says they are not a NATO puppet. Yet the first words out of his mouth in his December speech to Congress were:

Americans gained this victory, and that's why you have succeeded in uniting the global community to protect freedom and international law. Europeans gained this victory, and that's why Europe is now stronger and more independent than ever (from full speech:

In other words, the Ukrainian military is winning. But we need a massive amount of aid to win. 

Our two nations are Allies in this battle….And next year will be a turning point 

But we thought Ukraine was already repulsing the evil Russians? Wasn’t that the story of the Kherson and Kharkv offensives? The bombing of the Kerch bridge? 

So, here is the frontline – the tyranny, which has no lack of cruelty – against the lives of free people.

And your support is crucial – not just to stand in such fights, but to get to the turning point. To win on the battlefield.

We have artillery. Yes. Thank you. Is it enough? Honestly, not really. To ensure Bakhmut is not just a stronghold that holds back the Russian army – but for the Russian army to completely pull out – more cannons and shells are needed.

“ Ukraine is winning!” became….well okay, Ukraine is holding Russia back and soon we will hit the turning point….with your help….but it’s not currently enough. No, we need another $50-100bn of equipment to win the war. And only completely kicking Russia out of Ukraine is a possible outcome for us. But Russia is inflexible and doesn’t want to discuss peace terms. 

Furthermore, the US military is acknowledging that this is not a sustainable outcome. Either Ukraine has to win or the aid be curtailed:

The narrative makes no sense….and that’s because it’s not supposed to. Just as long as …..

  1. ……The Grift Goes On!

By now, we hope that you have realized that this not about a war or the Ukrainian people. This is all about the Benjamins.  

Zelensky and his cronies will keep shaking down the West for the maximum possible amount of money. And now, they are already floating the price tag they will accept to end this war in “reconstruction funds”. If they can secure guarantees to this amount from major Western institutions, they’ll probably negotiate a peace deal quickly. Are we being cynical here? Undoubtedly. But looking at the evidence, it’s hard to deny that this seems to be the end goal.  They began the negotiations two months into the war at $600bn of lost opportunity and damage:

He began hitting up the Davos crowd for the idea of a “New Marshall Plan”:

Of course, people have forgotten that the last time Zelensky hit up the WEF in 2020 it was to pitch investing in the 500 state owned companies to be privatized and because the country was on a path to join the EU. 

And then in July, these guys decided to anchor a bit higher:

Amazing how two months into the war…..they already knew how much damage had been done! And four months into the war, they decided that they knew the full amount to fix everything, on top of the $150-200bn of ongoing aid and military funds. 

The fact that this number is almost 400% of Ukrainian pre-war GDP means that you are correct to smell a rat. By contrast, the World Bank estimates that the post-World War 2 Marshall Plan’s cost to the USA and benefit to recipient countries was …..a mere 2% of GDP. And remember that’s against pre-war figures. The country has lost millions of refugees, and will almost certainly have to cede territory to Russia, so its post war GDP could be in the range of half that. 

We don’t know when the war ends, what will be the final Ukrainian territory, how extensive the damage is, how long it will take to repair, and how much Ukraine itself will contribute. But we do know….that Zelensky is serious about cashing a nearly 13-digit check. 

The next question was which politically connected investment firm would get first cut : Goldman Sachs? BlackRock? Carlyle?  Bridgewater? In this instance, BlackRock won: 

The fact that Ukraine is the second most corrupt country in Europe after Russia [src: Transparency International’s years of coverage] means of course that a lot of this going to disappear before it rebuilds a single piece of infrastructure. Just like the defense and food aid revealed in recent scandals. 

Now Zelensky is off to Davos to pass the hat and do more deals with the big boys. But not before he phoned into the Golden Globes to thank Hollywood for their support. 

With all of that decoding, are we finally starting to see the real interests behind this unfortunate conflict? Don’t be swayed by the mountain of media misinformation. 

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