• Headline: Deciphering Apartheid-Era Statistics: A Fact-Based Examination

    August 15, 2023
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    Time and again, the topic of apartheid resurfaces, casting a critical gaze on white South Africans. It's crucial to delineate between fact and fiction, placing apartheid in an accurate historical context outside of the mainstream media propaganda machine.

    What is the actual number of black South Africans killed during apartheid?

    The Human Rights Commission's evidence presented to the TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Commission) in 1997 provides clarity. Their data span from 1948 until the 1994 election, with a total of 21,000 deaths. However, this figure warrants a deeper dive.

    The HRC report breaks down these numbers between 1948-1989 and 1990-1994. During the earlier period ’48-‘89, 7,000 black activists and Umkhonto we Sizwe (Communist ANC Military arm) were killed. Surprisingly, the latter period, essentially post-apartheid and after the ANC's unbanning, recorded 14,000 deaths, primarily due to pre-election intra-racial conflict involving the ANC, the IFP, and other factions.

    A staggering 92% of the 14,000 deaths between 1990-1994 resulted from black-on-black murder. Security Forces were responsible for 5.6%, often in response to attacks by the then-unbanned ANC/UDF. A few deaths remain unattributed.

    "For perspective, during the 41-year span of apartheid, each African tribe in South Africa had its designated homeland. In these territories, tribes conducted their own elections, governed themselves, and established schools, churches, and various community outreach programs in their native languages.

    Lesotho, Swaziland and Namibia still remain independent homeland countries within South Africa to this day. They never joined the ANC Communist Regime. If the homelands were so bad as the msm propaganda machine wanted you to believe, then why did these countries not join the rest of “The New South Africa”?

    Despite this, an average of 170 blacks died annually due to outside communist influence.

    A much larger portion of these deaths occurred in the four years post-apartheid between black tribes fighting for power within SA. The HRC's data prompts us to question: Does the global perception of apartheid's fatality align with these figures?"

    For context, considering various atrocities of the 20th century:

    Jozef Stalin (USSR, 1932-39): 23 million deaths

    Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50): 78 million

    Pol Pot (Cambodia, 1975-79): 1.7 million

    Menghistu (Ethiopia, 1975-78): 1.5 million

    Apartheid: 7,000

    While apartheid was undeniably unjust, its death toll pales in comparison to other global events. Yet, it faced unparalleled global vitriol.

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    "To clarify further: The infamous land removals, which are frequently and incorrectly attributed to apartheid, took place under British governance. Cecil John Rhodes implemented these removals under the Glen Grey Act from 1894 when they discovered Diamonds. Afrikaners only came to power in 1948, and South Africa declared itself a republic in 1961. Tensions escalated when South Africa departed from the British Commonwealth upon becoming a Republic. Notably, rejoining the Commonwealth was among the initial actions of President Nelson Mandela when he assumed office as the first black South African president. Prior to this, the British had been significantly accountable for several atrocities, including the inception of concentration camps during the Anglo-Boer War. Furthermore, as ongoing tensions are evident, it's imperative to inquire: In recent times, to what extent have white South Africans instigated violence against black individuals?"

    It's essential to view history with an unbiased lens. The narrative that pits black against white can be traced to age-old strategies of "divide and conquer". Global unity is vital in the face of shadowy powers with ulterior motives. If the global lockdown hasn't clarified this, it's crucial to awaken to this reality and recognize that our fates are intertwined. We are not supposed to be enemies, how long will we allow world shadow government puppet masters to continue stoking this hatred?


    Brendi Wells

    A marketing professional from South Africa with extensive experience in marketing management, media & PR skills and runs her own traditional and online marketing and advertising agency. Brendi grew up in South Africa during the Apartheid era and witnessed the transformation as it happened in 1994 when she was old enough to vote for the first time. Having lived and worked in South Africa for the last 20 years post-apartheid, she has kept a close eye the changes the country has gone through. She is Admin on the Facebook Page “The-Truth-About-South-Africa” where she reports daily on the high murder, crime and corruption currently taking place in South Africa.
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