• Benjamin Netanyahu & FW de Klerk: The Shadows Behind Project Hammer

    October 27, 2023
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    Unveiling the Secret Pact of the Late 80s

    In the intricate tapestry of late 20th-century geopolitics, few threads are as enigmatic as the covert alliance between F.W. de Klerk, the former President of South Africa, and Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel. As the world celebrated the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of apartheid in South Africa, de Klerk and Netanyahu were orchestrating a behind-the-scenes operation with global implications: Project Hammer.

    The Genesis of Project Hammer

    In the backdrop of major U.S. banks like Citibank, HSBC, Chase Manhattan, and the Bank of New York teetering on the brink of financial crisis, Project Hammer emerged as a secretive plan. It aimed to harness South Africa’s rich mineral reserves, particularly gold and diamonds, as collateral to breathe life into these financial institutions. While the world’s attention was diverted towards the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA), an initiative to end apartheid, a staggering $4 trillion in gold stealthily moved from South Africa’s vaults, through City Bank, finally resting in New York with the help of Israel and the Federal Reserve. The financial ripples of this operation were immense, leading to clandestine transactions that bolstered the U.S. economy at the time.

    The South African-Israel Connection

    It’s within this framework that the roles of de Klerk and Netanyahu become pivotal. As South Africa underwent seismic political shifts, de Klerk, representing the National Party, is believed to have facilitated the movement of vast gold and diamond reserves to struggling U.S. banks. But why would the South African president involve himself in such an endeavor? Sources suggest that there were external influences from Israel and other international entities, guiding de Klerk’s actions. Netanyahu’s role, though veiled in secrecy, is speculated to be even more strategic. As an intermediary, he would’ve ensured the smooth transfer of these assets, leveraging Israel’s expertise in covert operations and its longstanding alliance with the U.S. This alliance not only had economic ramifications but also aimed to sow political instability in South Africa, facilitating these secret gold and diamond transactions under the pretext of political transformation.

    The Legacy of Secrecy

    As South Africa basked in the global acclaim of releasing Nelson Mandela and ending apartheid, the Nobel Prize awarded to Mandela and de Klerk raised eyebrows. Was this recognition solely for their contributions to peace, or were they also being acknowledged, albeit covertly, for their roles in a clandestine operation that recalibrated global financial dynamics?

    Nat Bregman, Nelson Mandela, and Lazer Sidelsky at a reunion in 1998.(Courtesy of South African Jewish Board of Deputies)
    Nat Bregman, Nelson Mandela, and Lazer Sidelsky at a reunion in 1998.(Courtesy of South African Jewish Board of Deputies)

    The revelations of Project Hammer and the involvement of de Klerk and Netanyahu raise pressing questions about the unseen forces shaping world events. If these accounts shed light on the intricate, shadowy networks of power and influence that often operate from the peripheries, dictating the course of history.

    Analyzing F.W. de Klerk’s Role Prior to the 1994 South African Elections

    F.W. de Klerk’s leadership during a transformative period in South Africa’s history has garnered significant attention. Many argue that his actions were influenced by hidden agendas and personal gains, rather than the welfare of the nation.

    F.W. de Klerk’s Alleged Ties to the ANC and Personal Controversies De Klerk is said to have had undisclosed interactions with the ANC. Furthermore, he faced several personal controversies, including a tumultuous divorce and the tragic murder of Marike de Klerk, the last Afrikaner First Lady. These incidents have cast serious doubts over his integrity, as there were speculations that she was working on a tell all book.

    Financial Dealings Around the 1994 Elections Rumors suggest that substantial payments were made through Swiss bank accounts to politicians of the National Party (NP) and other government officials to ease the transition of power to the Communist  ANC Party.

    Citibank’s Controversial Involvement Statements from Gen. Erle Cocke, formerly affiliated with Nugan Hand Bank’s Washington office, suggest Citibank’s involvement in suspicious financial activities connected to ‘black gold’ through Project Hammer. He alleged that many accounts at Citibank facilitated these transactions.

    Project Hammer’s Background Project Hammer is believed to be a collaboration between the U.S. government and what was effectively a communist-infiltrated South African government. The initiative aimed to aid major U.S. banks like Citibank, HSBC, Chase Manhattan, and the Bank of New York, which faced financial hurdles in the late 1980s. The plan reportedly used South African gold and diamonds as collateral, potentially influencing political dynamics and empowering the ANC.

    Financial Asset Transfers and Project Hammer Large debentures were reportedly traded under Project Hammer, with significant amounts allegedly directed to an account associated with Howard Hughes at Credit Suisse. The magnitude suggests involvement from agencies like the CIA, FBI, NSA, Pentagon, the Treasury, and the Federal Reserve.

    Involvement of Executive Outcomes, Sandline, and Intelligence Networks Rolf van Rooyen, linked to various businesses, is believed to have played a critical role in Project Hammer. Allegedly, he had connections with SA Intelligence and the CIA. Alongside him, Riaan Stander, another SA Intelligence member, reportedly collaborated with a consortium of companies, including Bridge S.A., which had ties to figures like Colonel Tim Spicer and Mick Ranger from Sandline. The backing for Eastech International Bank supposedly came from Ro-Mar Pharmaceuticals, claiming a significant gold reserve.

    To understand this complex network of transactions, political maneuvers, and clandestine activities during this era in South Africa’s history, further in-depth investigation is necessary.

    South Africa’s Financial Affairs: A Deep Dive Zurich’s Kloten Airport stands as a vital piece in the puzzle, with its free zone housing a significant gold reserve, approved by official Swiss Police documentation. By 1995, Eastech International Bank became a point of global interest, with many suspecting its key role in Project Hammer. Rolf Van Rooyen, sensing potential issues, moved to Germany, where he is believed to be currently residing under protection from former East German intelligence agents.

    Several documents linked to Eastech’s operations, notably those signed by Fanie Smith of Eastcorp, have garnered attention. These included letters of credit and significant deposits, all bearing the Greek government’s revenue stamp. Allegedly, Eastech supported right-wing factions in Pietersburg, South Africa, and facilitated significant arms movements.

    FW de Klerk with Reuven Rivlin

    A 1998 revelation from a German intelligence official indicated a staggering discrepancy in South Africa’s economy due to questionable gold transactions. This report implicated several individuals, including FW de Klerk.

    International Gold and Arms Deals: A Closer Look Tony Georgiadis, a Greek shipping magnate, emerges as a central figure in international gold and weapons transactions. De Klerk’s relationship with Elita Georgiades, the magnate’s wife, added a personal dimension to these financial dealings. Giordiadis, with his vast global influence, reportedly provided oil to South Africa, evading sanctions. His network extended to banking, with alleged transactions benefiting ANC officials in a major arms deal.

    To facilitate these transactions, De Klerk initiated a significant reshuffling within South Africa’s defense and intelligence agencies, removing potential threats to these covert operations.

    South Africa’s transitional period was deeply influenced, if not directed, by powerful external entities with vested interests. In summary, international financiers, secret organizations, and political figures were intricately interwoven in South Africa’s political and financial tapestry during this era.

    Dangers of a Global Dominance by a Single Group:

    1. Loss of Culture, Identity and Free Will:
      • A singular worldview, set of values, and priorities would dominate global discourse.
      • Cultures, languages, and traditions would be at risk of being marginalized or lost.
    2. Economic Monopoly:
      • Control over global financial systems would lead to a lack of competition, innovation, and could stifle economic growth.
      • Wealth disparity will increase, with resources concentrated in the hands of a few.
    3. Political Totalitarianism:
      • Independence worldwide is at risk as political power centralizes.
      • Political dissent is silenced, leading to mass discrimination.
    4. Media and Information Control:
      • With control over global media, there would is only a singular “approved” narrative, leading to propaganda and misinformation.
      • Freedom of the press no longer exist, as independent journalism is being suppressed.
    5. Religious Suppression:
      • Religious freedoms are curtailed, replaced with a particular non-religious perspective being imposed worldwide.
      • Other religious beliefs and practices are marginalized or persecuted.
    6. Social Stratification:
      • Society is being divided between the elite and ordinary citizens.
      • Discrimination and prejudice are increasing, leading to social unrest and conflicts all over the world.
    7. Threat to Global Peace:
      • Nations resisting control leading to social unrest and war.
      • Proxy wars could be fought to maintain control over certain regions.
    8. Loss of Individual Freedoms:
      • With a singular elite group in control, individual freedoms and rights are suppressed.
      • Surveillance and monitoring are becoming pervasive, leading to a “Big Brother” scenario.
    9. Stifling of Innovation and Progress:
      • A monopoly on power is leading to complacency, with less motivation to innovate or progress.
      • Scientific and technological advancements are being controlled and limited.

    In the tapestry of human existence, history stands as the chronicle of our collective journey. To understand history is to unlock the wisdom of past generations, offering insights into the successes and failures that have shaped our present. It serves as a mirror, reflecting the consequences of actions and decisions, allowing societies to learn, adapt, and evolve. Without this knowledge, we risk repeating mistakes and missing opportunities to build a brighter future. In essence, a grasp of history is not just an appreciation of our roots, but a vital tool that fosters informed choices, fosters empathy across cultures, and lays the foundation for a more enlightened and cohesive world.

    Tainted Heroes Full Documentary – “Becoming a hero is easy when those you killed have lost their voices”

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    Brendi Wells

    A marketing professional from South Africa with extensive experience in marketing management, media & PR skills and runs her own traditional and online marketing and advertising agency. Brendi grew up in South Africa during the Apartheid era and witnessed the transformation as it happened in 1994 when she was old enough to vote for the first time. Having lived and worked in South Africa for the last 20 years post-apartheid, she has kept a close eye the changes the country has gone through. She is Admin on the Facebook Page “The-Truth-About-South-Africa” where she reports daily on the high murder, crime and corruption currently taking place in South Africa.
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