• Joe Biden’s Leadership As An International Negotiator Fails In The Middle East

    November 24, 2023
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    Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv on October 16, 2023. [State Department photo by Chuck Kennedy/Public Domain]

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    This Saturday marks seven weeks from the attack of the Oct. 7 Hamas invasion of Israel that resulted in 1,400 dead, over 200 hostages taken to Gaza, and held by Hamas and other jihad terrorists groups, included 10 Americans taken hostage, and 20 Americans dead. Two Americans were hostages were earlier released weeks ago. 

    Immediately following that Hamas Oct. 7 attack and the kidnapping of toddlers, women and the elderly, all hell broke loose across diplomatic circles in the Middle East region and the world, and within non-governmental organizations (NGO), creating demonstrations for and against Israel and Palestinians, and ignoring the fact that babies, toddlers, and innocent children were slaughtered inside Israel on Oct.7, taken hostage along with women and the elderly. 

    Israel was painted as the boogeyman and those supporting that boogeyman were occupiers. All Palestinians were crafted as terrorists. 

    The flames were lit not just in the Middle East, but the justification of hating Jews and Palestinians on the other sides were ignited - instead of focusing upon the terrorists, namely Hamas and other terrorists groups involved, who took credit for killing the innocent at a music festival or those asleep in their beds. 

    The Elders’ voices were drowned out. 

    The justification for killing the innocent got lost in the reality of “What the hell did Hamas think would be the response?” 

    Perhaps, Hamas believed the West would not step in.

    Perhaps, they thought some in the civilized world would not cry out in outrage? 

    Evil has no line of demarcation and neither does outrage to evil. 

    Historical arguments reverting to the Balfour Agreement and 1948 and everything subsequently appeared but what the world witnessed was a black hole about who we are in the 21st Century? How barbaric have we all become? 

    The optics were ripe for raping the narrative no matter which side one sat and the flames ignited fires where Jewish donors pulled out of US universities where pro-Palestinian demonstrations were held on their alumni campuses to financial executives declaring never to hire anyone who supported Palestine, as if everyone inside any Palestinian territory was a terrorist. 

    In short, the world lost their minds and got their eyes off the focus of humanity and embraced evil. 

    People were slaughtered in their beds. Families were enflamed with grenades in safe rooms. Mothers were raped. Babies were burned. Young adults attending a musical festival concert were attacked by sky-diving terrorists flying through the air with guns, and then landed and slaughtering those in attendance. 

    What happened after required the Global Elders to show up at the table, but they never did and not even now. 

    That is why none of the entire hostages taken on Oct. 7 have not been returned as of today. 

    What happened after that has proven our world is lacking to end the Ukraine Russian conflict, the madness between Israel and Hamas and prevent whatever Biden thinks next he can and may gin up over Taiwan with China.

    A cell of negotiators was created flowing the Oct. 7 Hamas attack in Israel that swaggered between four countries where other foreign officials weighed in privately and publicly. 

    It was a full throttle game of heads of states, diplomatic teams, intelligence agents and spies on the ground. 

    What resulted was began at 7am local time in the Middle East on Friday, whereby Israel and Hamas had agreed to 50 Israeli women and children would be released over a four-day pause of the conflict in exchange for 150 Palestinian prisoners of women and children.

    Qatar took the lead, namely because some of Hamas leaders live in that country. Those Qatari negotiators in Doha were designated as the main channel to Hamas. Nevertheless, Egypt officials were in the room at all times. 

    On Oct. 23, Hamas released two American women. The negotiators called it a “pilot program,” but that was far from a reality. It never proved to be a success other than for those two released. 

    Hence, Mossad’s David Barnea stepped up negotiations with full force. He was consulting with CIA chief Bill Burns. 

    Although the negotiators were claiming it a protracted process because messages had to be passed from Doha and Cairo to Hamas in Gaza and then reverted to hammering out the details, surveillance was in high force monitoring all conversations. 

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    Because President Joe Biden was quietly and publicly making his position known that Israel needed to follow international law as it responded forcefully with its aerial and ground invasion, while claiming that Israel wanted to wipe out Hamas once and for all, Joe Biden was briefed according to his White House officials.  

    The Israel position was firm - rescue the hostages and wipe out Hamas terrorists that inflicted this pain and Never Again Is Now was their slogan, but nothing was going to slow down Israel’s response until all of the hostages were released. 

    As of Friday when the first wave of hostages were released, Israel’s position was clear for this pause in the war.

    Israel still intends to wipe out Hamas. 

    One of the negotiation sticking points was Hamas’ refusal to identify who was going to be released during the first wave. 

    Supposedly, it was a deal breaker. 

    President Biden called the Emir of Qatar and said so even as Biden’s administration was advancing hope that Americans may be released during the first wave of the hostage release.

    No Americans were ever released during the first wave. 

    Joe Biden’s administration pushed his global leadership, but the results prove he had no juice. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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